Discussion on ADHD in Children from the Imbalance of Yin and Yang of the Five Internal Organs and Mutual Formation of Phlegm and Blood Stasis
中文关键词: 多动症  阴阳  五脏  痰瘀  调护  辨证论治  临床经验  曹建雄
英文关键词: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder  Yin and Yang  five internal organs  phlegm and stasis  nurse  syndrome differentiation and treatment  clinical experience  CAO Jianxiong
王岳 湖南中医药大学 长沙 410208 
曹建雄 湖南中医药大学 长沙 410208
摘要点击次数: 1665
全文下载次数: 822
      [目的] 探讨曹建雄教授运用五脏阴阳合痰瘀互结相关理论治疗小儿多动症的临床经验。[方法] 通过随师临诊,结合查阅临床治疗小儿多动症的医案及文献,从五脏辨证及痰瘀互结理论入手,总结曹师辨证治疗小儿多动症的经验,并提供医案一则加以佐证。[结果] 曹师认为,心肝火旺、肺脾肾亏虚是小儿多动症的主要病因病机,关键在于“阳动有余,阴静不足”,治疗以平肝息风、安神养心为主,佐以健脾滋肾;结合阴阳平衡理论,调治五脏六腑,辅之以行气活血、温化痰饮;同时注重小儿情志调畅和饮食调护,小儿体质娇嫩,故治疗宜中病即止。所举验案,曹师辨为肝旺脾虚、心肾不交之证,治拟平肝补脾、养心滋肾之法,方以天麻钩藤饮、复脉汤加减,临床上颇有疗效。 [结论] 曹师以平肝清心为主,佐以健脾补肾、活血化痰治疗小儿多动症,注重审证求因,灵活用药及小儿体质与情志调节,其经验值得学习和传承。
      [Objective] To explore the clinical experience of Professor CAO Jianxiong in treating children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) from the theory of Yin and Yang of the five internal organs and mutual formation of phlegm and blood stasis. [Methods] Through the clinical diagnosis with the teacher, combined with the review of the clinical treatment of ADHD medical cases and literature, starting from the five Zang syndrome differentiation and phlegm-stasis interjunction theory, it summed up CAO,s experience in the treatment of ADHD, and provided a medical case to prove. [Results] According to Professor CAO, the main etiology of ADHD in children is fire in the heart and liver, deficiency in the lungs, spleen and kidneys, treatment is based on calming the liver and calming the wind, calming the mind and nourishing the heart, complemented by strengthening the spleen and nourishing the kidney, combined with the theory of balance of Yin and Yang, regulating the internal organs, supplemented by promoting Qi and blood circulation, and warming and transforming phlegm and retained fluid; at the same time, attention is paid to the emotional and dietary regulation of the child, as the child,s body is delicate, so the treatment should be stopped immediately after curing the disease. In the case cited, Professor CAO identified as the syndrome of the liver and spleen deficiency, disconnection of the heart and kidney, and proposed the method of calming the liver and tonifying the spleen, nourishing the heart and kidney, Tianma Gouteng Drink and Fumai Decoction were adopted, and good results were achieved. [Conclusion] Professor CAO,s experience in treating children with ADHD is worth learning and passing on, focusing on calming the liver and clearing the heart, complemented by strengthening the spleen and tonifying the kidney, activating blood circulation and resolving phlegm, emphasizing on determination of etiologic factors based on differentiation, and using medicine flexibly to regulate the physical and emotional state of children.
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