方腾铎,崔云,吴骏,等.144例少弱精子症致不育患者的中医体质研究[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2023,47(7):778-783. |
144例少弱精子症致不育患者的中医体质研究 |
Study on TCM Constitution of 144 Oligozoospermia Infertility Patients |
DOI:10.16466/j.issn1005-5509.2023.07.013 |
中文关键词: 少弱精子症 男性不育症 中医体质 精液检测 生殖健康 |
英文关键词: oligozoospermia male infertility TCM constitution seminal fluid detection reproductive health |
基金项目:第六批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目(国中医药人教发﹝2017﹞29号);浙江省名老中医专家传承工作室建设计划项目(GZS2012030);浙江省中医药科学研究基金项目(2022ZB311、2022ZB337);重庆市科研机构绩效机理引导专项项目(cstc2019jxjl130026);重庆市科卫联合中医药科研项目(2019ZY3203) |
摘要点击次数: 1709 |
全文下载次数: 824 |
中文摘要: |
[目的] 探索少弱精子症致不育患者的中医体质分布,并分析其与精液参数之间的关系。[方法] 选取2018年9月至2020年2月就诊于宁波市中医院男科门诊并符合纳入标准的患者144例,填写《少弱精子症致不育临床症状调查表》及《中医体质分类与判定表》,记录一般信息及精液参数并判定体质类型,通过统计学处理,分析患者中医体质与精液参数之间的关系。[结果] 患者的中医体质分布广泛,各体质所占比例分别为气虚质19.81%、湿热质15.62%、阴虚质15.38%、气郁质12.35%、痰湿质10.72%、血瘀质8.62%、阳虚质6.99%、平和质6.29%、特禀质4.20%。患者精液参数与中医体质的关系提示,阴虚质与非阴虚质比较,精子浓度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);气虚质与非气虚质、痰湿质与非痰湿质比较,精子总活力差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);湿热质与非湿热质比较,正常精子形态比例差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论] 患者的主要中医体质分布为气虚质、湿热质、阴虚质、气郁质和痰湿质;患者的精子浓度与阴虚质存在关联,精子总活力分别与气虚质、痰湿质存在关联,正常精子形态比例与湿热质存在关联,提示临床可通过中医体质结合精液参数进行治疗干预。 |
英文摘要: |
[Objective] To explore the distribution of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) constitution of oligasthenospermia infertility patients and analyze its correlation with semen parameters. [Methods] A total of 144 patients who met the inclusion criteria in the Andrology Outpatient Department of Ningbo TCM Hospital from September 2018 to February 2020 were selected. The general information, semen parameters and TCM constitution were collected by Questionnaire of Clinical Symptoms of Oligozoospermia Infertility and Classification and Determination Table of TCM Constitution. The correlation between TCM constitution and semen parameters was analyzed through statistical processing. [Results] The cases were widely distributed, among which they were Qi deficiency, damp heat, Yin deficiency, Qi depression, phlegm dampness, blood stasis, Yang deficiency, gentleness and special innateness, accounting for 19.81%,15.62%,15.38%,12.35%,10.72%,8.62%,6.99%,6.29% and 4.20% respectively. In the relationship between semen parameters and TCM constitution, the differences of sperm concentration between Yin deficiency and non-Yin deficiency was statistically significant(P<0.05), the differences of sperm motility between Qi deficiency and non-Qi deficiency, phlegm dampness and non-phlegm dampness were statistically significant(P<0.05), the difference of the rate of normal morphological sperm between damp heat and non-damp heat was statistically significant(P<0.05). [Conclusion] The main TCM constitutions of the patients were Qi deficiency, damp heat, Yin deficiency, Qi depression and phlegm dampness. The sperm concentration was associated with Yin deficiency, the total sperm vitality was associated with Qi deficiency and phlegm dampness, and the rate of normal morphological sperm was associated with damp heat, which suggested that clinical intervention can be carried out through TCM constitution combined with semen parameters. |
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