Based on the Theory of “Imultaneous Treatment of Lung and Spleen” to Explore the Medication Rule and Mechanism of Lung and Spleen Qi Deficiency Type Allergic Rhinitis Patients
中文关键词: 肺脾气虚  过敏性鼻炎  用药规律  肺脾同治  Python语言  标本兼治  作用机制  信号通路
英文关键词: lung and spleen Qi deficiency type  allergic rhinitis  medication rule  simultaneous treatment of lung and spleen  Python language  simultaneous treatment of symptoms and root causes  mechanism of action  signaling pathway
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      [目的] 探索中医药治疗肺脾气虚型过敏性鼻炎患者的用药规律及作用机制。[方法] 运用Python语言,对文献数据库与网站检索收集的中医药干预肺脾气虚型过敏性鼻炎患者的临床研究资料进行频次、相关性、关联规则及聚类分析。选取核心组合乌梅-黄芪,探索其治疗肺脾气虚型过敏性鼻炎患者的相关通路与机制,并在分子层面对其有效性进行了验证。[结果] 纳入了132首治疗肺脾气虚型过敏性鼻炎的方药,其中甘草、黄芪与白术的使用频次居前3位,使用频次≥20的20味核心中药以解表药与补虚药为主。桂枝-白芍组合在相关性分析中结果最优,77条关联规则中2、3、4阶中药关联规则分别为53条、23条和1条。乌梅-黄芪组合为核心组合,其作用机制主要与钙信号通路、磷脂酰肌醇3-激酶-蛋白激酶B(phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-protein kinase B,PI3K-Akt)信号通路、叉头框蛋白(forkhead box protein,FOX)信号通路等相关、与信号转导、新陈代谢及神经系统等机制相联系。分子层次的验证显示乌梅-黄芪组合能够多成分多靶点,较好地发挥治疗肺脾气虚型过敏性鼻炎患者的作用。[结论] 中医药治疗肺脾气虚型过敏性鼻炎患者主要以解表与补虚为主,中药的功效多与肺脾两脏的病症相适应,体现了中医“肺脾同治”的施治理念与“标本兼治”的治疗原则。
      [Objective] To explore the medication rule and mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) in the treatment of lung and spleen Qi deficiency type allergic rhinitis patients. [Methods] The Python language was used to analyze the frequency, correlation, association rules and clustering of clinical data collected from literature database and website on TCM intervention in lung and spleen Qi deficiency type allergic rhinitis patients. The core combination of Mume Fructus-Astragali Radix was selected to explore the related pathways and mechanisms of its treatment for lung and spleen Qi deficiency type allergic rhinitis patients, and its effectiveness was verified at the molecular level. [Results] The treatment of lung and spleen Qi deficiency type allergic rhinitis included 132 cases, among which Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Astragali Radix and Atractylodes Macrocephala were the most frequently used. Among the 20 core Chinese drugs with frequency≥20, the main drugs were of relieving exterior syndrome and drugs of tonifying deficiency, and Cinnamomi Ramulus-Paeoniae Radix Alba combination showed the best results in the correlation analysis. Among the 77 association rules, there were 53,23 and 1 Chinese drugs association rules of order 2,3 and 4 respectively. Mume Fructus-Astragali Radix combination was identified as the core combination in association rule analysis, and its mechanism was mainly related to calcium signaling pathway, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-protein kinase B(PI3K-Akt) signaling pathway, forkhead box protein(FoxO) signaling pathway and other pathways, as well as signal transduction, metabolism and neuronal system mechanisms. Verification at the molecular level showed that the combination of Mume Fructus-Hedysarum Multijugum Maxim could play a better role in the treatment of lung and spleen Qi deficiency type allergic rhinitis with multiple components and targets. [Conclusion] The TCM treatment of lung and spleen Qi deficiency type allergic rhinitis mainly consists of relieving exterior syndrome and tonifying deficiency. The efficacy of TCM is mainly adapted to the symptoms of lung and spleen, which embodies the TCM treatment concept of “simultaneous treatment of lung and spleen” and the treatment principle of “simultaneous treatment of symptoms and root causes”.
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