The Study of Academic Thought of Women Disease in Evolution of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber
中文关键词: 赵以德  金匮方论衍义  妇人病  学术思想  浙派中医  金匮要略
英文关键词: ZHAO Yide  Evolution of Synopsis of the Golden Chamber  women diseases  academic insight  Zhejiang school of TCM  Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
沃一铖 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
徐明珠 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
赵婷 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 
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      [目的] 探析赵以德《金匮方论衍义》妇人病篇的学术思想,拓宽中医妇科学治疗思路。[方法] 通过研读《金匮方论衍义》妇人病相关内容,分析赵氏对于妇人病篇条文的注释,并研究赵氏对于条文中理法方药的解析,归纳其理论研究和临床经验,并总结其学术思想。[结果] 《金匮方论衍义》在继承《黄帝内经》理论的基础上,结合朱丹溪的思想,通过注解《金匮要略》妇人病篇,对妇人产前、产后诸多疾病加以阐述,解释方义之外提出诸多经方临床应用的心得,在总结仲景药物使用规律之余,以阴阳五行为理论,以临床实践为事实,得出药物在妇人病中的独特疗效。[结论] 赵以德《金匮方论衍义》妇人病篇注释详尽,不仅是对于仲景的学术体系的传承,而且提出了对于现代妇人病诊治具有重要意义的见解。
      [Objective] To analyze the academic insight in women disease in Evolution of Synopsis of Golden Chamber: Chapter of Women Disease by ZHAO Yide, and broaden the range of treatment in gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine. [Methods] Focusing on investigating notes and explanations of Chapter of Women Disease, digging into treatments, prescription and medicine of women diseases, collecting theoretical research and clinical experiences, and summarizing ZHAO’s idea in treatments in women disease. [Results] Evolution of Synopsis of Golden Chamber inherited the foundations of The Inner Canon of Huangdi and combined ZHU Danxi’s clinical ideas. Through the annotation of women’s disease in Synopsis of Golden Chamber, many prenatal and postpartum diseases of women are expounded, and many clinical application experiences of classical prescription are put forward after explaining the meaning of classical prescriptions, the unique efficacy of drugs in women’s diseases is obtained in the theory of Yin and Yang and five elements and taking clinical practice as facts besides summarizing the law of using medicine about ZHANG Zhongjing. [Conclusion] Chapter of Women Diseases provides an exhaustive explanation, which well preserves the significance of Zhongjing’s theory. Moreover, it demonstrates some insightful viewpoints that strongly impacts the modern treatment of women disease.
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