Examination and Interpretation of “Tu Yuan Jia Se”
中文关键词: 中医基础理论  五行学说  尚书  洪范  土爰稼穑    诠解
英文关键词: basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine  five phases theory  Shangshu  Hongfan  Tu Yuan Jia Se  Yue  interpretation
李如辉 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
方宇茜 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
张星 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
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      [目的] 提高中医学术界对“土爰稼穑”中“爰”字解释的准确性,回归经典原旨的解读,进一步深化对“脾为后天之本”理论源流的认识。[方法] 从训诂学出发,在分析《尚书·洪范》有关五行特性经文中“曰”“爰”“稼穑”字义的基础上,对五行特性“土爰稼穑”作出新解读。[结果] “爰”字当以“于焉”以及“援引”“引用”为解,其要义有二:其一明示“爰”与“水曰润下,火曰炎上,木曰曲直,金曰从革”之“曰”的区别;其二强调土行特性包罗万象,土固然可以用来“稼穑”,但其用又绝非“稼穑”之一途,土行特性是“稼穑”所难以囊括殆尽的,所以特地冠以“爰”字,以示不得已而勉强援引“稼穑”论说。 [结论] 《尚书·洪范》之“土爰稼穑”本质上已凸显了土行的重要性,“土生四象”也蕴意其中,或为“土生万物”哲学命题的滥觞。该命题对中医学影响深远,并最终孕育出“脾为后天之本”等重要的经典理论。
      [Objective] To correct the interpretation of the word “Yuan” in the academic circle of traditional Chinese medicine, return to the classical original meaning, so as to deepen the understanding of the theory “spleen is the foundation of the acquired constitution”. [Methods] Use the exegetical method, on the basis of the analysis of the meaning of the word, to make a new interpretation. [Results] It is pointed out that the word “Yuan” should be interpreted as “Yuyan” and “be used for”. Its main meanings are as follows: First, point out the difference between “Yuan” and “Yue”; then, to emphasize that the feature of earth is all-encompassing. Earth can be used to “farm”, but not only “farm”. The properties of earth are beyond the scope of “farming”, so useing the word “Yuan” to show that “farming” is forced to explain. [Conclusion] The sentence “earth can be used for farming” in Shangshu·Hongfan, from the essence has revealed the unrivaled importance of earth, “earth bears four phases” is also included in this. In fact, it is the unquestionable beginning of the philosophical proposition that “everything comes from the earth”. This proposition has a profound influence on traditional Chinese medicine, and finally gives birth to such important classical theoretical achievements as “spleen is the foundation of acquired constitution”.
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