Professor CHEN Hua’s Experience in Treating Children with Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection Based on “Yin Deficiency, Blood Stasis and Heat Accumulation”
中文关键词: 反复呼吸道感染  病因病机  阴虚瘀热  浙派中医儿科  名医经验  陈华
英文关键词: recurrent respiratory tract infection  etiology and pathogenesis  Yin deficiency, blood stasis and heat accumulation  Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics  experience of famous doctor  CHEN Hua
杨伟吉 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
彭甜 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 
吴蔚波 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 
陈华 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
摘要点击次数: 1039
全文下载次数: 630
      [目的] 总结陈华教授从“阴虚瘀热”论治小儿反复呼吸道感染的经验。[方法] 通过随师临证,总结整理病案资料,阐释陈师治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染的临床经验及方药特色,并通过临床验案加以佐证。[结果] 陈师认为,小儿反复呼吸道感染病因为风、痰、瘀、虚,病机为肺脾两虚,痰瘀阻络,迁延不愈,瘀热互结,创新性地提出从“阴虚瘀热”辨治小儿反复呼吸道感染,总结出重视风邪,祛风解表;三因制宜,滋阴清瘀;详辨虚实,巧用和法;顾护中焦,健运脾胃的诊治经验。验案为反复呼吸道感染患儿,辨为阴虚感冒,兼痰瘀阻滞证,陈师分期论治,滋阴清瘀治法贯穿疾病治疗的中后期,迁延期养阴退热、化痰祛瘀,恢复期养阴退热、健脾益气,疗效显著。[结论] 陈师继承浙派中医儿科特色,从“阴虚瘀热”辨治小儿反复呼吸道感染,疗效显著,对指导临床有较高实用价值。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor CHEN Hua’s experience in treating children with recurrent respiratory tract infection(RRTI) based on “Yin deficiency, blood stasis and heat accumulation”. [Methods] Through following Professor CHEN’s clinical treatment and summarizing the cases information, the clinical experience and prescription characteristics of Professor CHEN in the treatment of children with RRTI were summarized and sorted out through clinical evidence. [Results] Professor CHEN considers that children with RRTI is caused by wind, phlegm, blood stasis and deficiency, and the pathogenesis is deficiency of the lung and spleen, phlegm and blood stasis obstructing venation, extending and not healing, and accumulation of blood stasis and heat. He puts forward the differentiation and treatment of RRTI from Yin deficiency, blood stasis and heat accumulation, and summarizes the diagnosis and treatment experience of paying attention to wind evil, dispelling wind and relieve symptoms; adjusting measures in accordance with three categories, nourishing Yin and clearing blood stasis; detailed differentiation of deficiency and substance, appropriate use of harmonious method; taking care of middle-Jiao and strengthening the spleen and stomach. The case involved a patient with RRTI, which was diagnosed as a condition of Yin deficiency with concurrent phlegm and blood stasis obstruction. Professor CHEN implemented a staged treatment plan, focusing on nourishing Yin, clearing stasis, which spanned the middle and later stages of the disease. During the prolonged stage, the treatment aimed at nourishing Yin and reducing fever, resolving phlegm and dispelling stasis. In the recovery stage, the focus shifted to nourishing Yin and reducing fever, invigorating the spleen and replenishing Qi. The therapeutic effect was significant. [Conclusion] Professor CHEN inherits the characteristics of pediatrics of Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine, distinguishing and treating children with RRTI from “Yin deficiency, blood stasis and heat accumulation”, and the curative effect is remarkable, which has high practical value in guiding clinical practice.
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