A Textual Research on the Yuan Dynasty Edition of Xinkan Huimin Yuyao Yuanfang Collected by Seikado Bunko in Japan
中文关键词: 御药院方  新刊惠民御药院方  版本  元刊本  日本静嘉堂文库  研究价值
英文关键词: Yuyao Yuanfang  Xinkan Huimin Yuyao Yuanfang  edition  Yuan Dynasty edition  Japanese Seikado Bunko  research value
覃想佩 长春中医药大学基础医学院 长春 130117 
鄢梁裕 长春中医药大学基础医学院 长春 130117 
崔为 长春中医药大学基础医学院 长春 130117 
摘要点击次数: 1519
全文下载次数: 764
      [目的] 考察日本静嘉堂所藏《新刊惠民御药院方》(以下简称静嘉堂本)的版本特征及递藏过程,分析此版本的研究价值。 [方法] 通过文献研究的方法,对《御药院方》的成书概况、版本现状进行概括,重点研究静嘉堂本的版本特征、递藏过程及其研究价值。 [结果] 静嘉堂本为元刊孤本,刊刻质量较高。此本已知最早的收藏者应是清代藏书家张金吾,后依次经汪士钟、蔡廷相和蔡廷祯兄弟、陆心源递藏,最后远渡日本,为日本静嘉堂文库所得。此外,通过对比《御药院方》另外两个版本发现,静嘉堂本中对部分方药的记载更加详细,对部分药物剂量的记载也更为准确。以上说明,静嘉堂本有一定文献和临床研究价值。 [结论]静嘉堂本版本稀见,曾为多位有名藏书家所珍藏,其内容与国内此前所见的另外两个版本有所不同,值得进一步深入研究。
      [Objective] To discuss the characteristics of the edition and the process of collection of Xinkan Huimin Yuyao Yuanfang(referred to as the Seikado Edition), now collected in Seikado Bunko, and to analyze its research value. [Methods] Through the method of documentary research, this paper provided an overview of the book formation and the current status of the editions of Yuyao Yuanfang, focusing on the edition characteristics of the Seikado Edition, the process of collection and its research value. [Results] The Seikado Edition is the only one published in the Yuan Dynasty, with a high quality of engraving. The earliest known collector of this book should be the Qing dynasty collector ZHANG Jinwu, and then in turn through WANG Shizhong, CAI Tingxiang and CAI Tingzhen brothers, LU Xinyuan collected in order, and finally traveled to Japan, received by Japanese Seikado Bunko. In addition, by comparing the other two editions of the Yuyao Yuanfang, it was found that the Seikado Edition had more detailed records of some prescriptions and more accurate records of some drugs dosages. This indicates that the Seikado Edition has certain literary and clinical research value. [Conclusion] The Seikado Edition is a rare version that has been treasured by several famous collectors. Its content is different from the other two editions previously seen in China, and is worth further in-depth study.
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