Professor LIN Shengyou’s Treatment of Radiation-Induced Lung Injury Based on the Theory of Pathogenesis Evolution
中文关键词: 病机演变理论  放射性肺损伤  麻杏石甘汤  胸部肿瘤  名医经验  林胜友
英文关键词: the theory of pathogenesis evolution  radiation-induced lung injury  Maxing Shigan Decoction  thoracic malignancies  experience of renowned doctors  LIN Shengyou
陆金华 浙江中医药大学附属杭州市中医院丁桥院区 杭州 310007 
林胜友 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
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      [目的] 总结林胜友教授基于病机演变理论辨治放射性肺损伤的经验。[方法] 通过随师临诊,整理医案和古今文献学习,以病机演变为出发点,总结林师临床运用病机演变理论治疗放射性肺损伤的经验,并附一则临床验案予以佐证。 [结果] 由于放射线对人体的特殊作用,林师认为放射性肺损伤的基础病机贯穿始终,即热邪伤肺,而随着病程发展,其病机变化主要分为三个阶段,初起为邪盛正不衰,热毒伤肺;中期邪盛正衰,热邪先伤阴,肺肾两虚;日久阴损及阳,出现阴阳两虚。并提出临证时要把握基础病机,识别现时病机,推演潜在病机,选取经方麻杏石甘汤为该病基础方,结合各阶段病机进行加减。验案按病机演变规律,予麻杏石甘汤为主方进行加减,取得满意疗效。[结论] 林师通过病机演变理论辨治放射性肺损伤,见解独到,疗效显著,值得临床进一步推广及研究。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor LIN Shengyou’s experience in the treatment of radiation-induced lung injury based on the theory of pathogenesis evolution. [Methods] Through clinical visits, organizing medical records, studying ancient and modern literature, starting from the evolution of the disease mechanism, this paper summarizes Professor LIN’s clinical experience in application of the theory of pathogenesis evolution in the treatment of radiation-induced lung injury, and provides evidence with a clinical trial. [Results] Because of the special effect of radiation on the human body, Professor LIN believes that the basic pathogenesis of radiation-induced lung injury runs through the whole time, that is, heat evil harms the lung. With the development of the disease, the pathogenesis can be divided into three stages: at the beginning, the evil is flourishing, and the heat is damaging the lung; in the middle stage, the evil causes vital Qi decline, and the heat causes Yin injury first, then the lung and kidney deficiency; over time Yin damage affects Yang, leading to Yin and Yang deficiency. In clinic doctors should grasp the basic pathogenesis, identify the present pathogenesis and deduce the potential pathogenesis. Classic formula Maxing Shigan Decoction can be selected as the basic formula of the disease, added or subtracted according to the pathogenesis of each stage. In the case, according to the law of pathogenesis evolution, Maxing Shigan Decoction was added or subtracted as the main formula, and satisfactory curative effect was obtained. [Conclusion] By differentiating the syndrome of radiation-induced lung injury through the theory of pathogenesis evolution, Professor LIN has unique insights and significant curative effect, which is worthy of further clinical promotion and research.
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