Analysis of the Prescriptions Related to Jianzhong Shenli Decoction Method
中文关键词: 建中汤  肾沥汤  伤寒论  黄帝内经  深师方  删繁方
英文关键词: Jianzhong Decoction  Shenli Decoction  Shanghan Lun  Huangdi Neijing  Shenshi Fang  Shanfan Fang
徐凤凯 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
贾瑞婷 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
陈晓 上海中医药大学中医学院 
朱爱松 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
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      [目的] 探析建中肾沥汤法诸丸方的证治特点。[方法] 以归纳总结古籍文献并结合临床实践经验的方法,对建中肾沥汤法诸丸方的证治源流、代表方剂、启示意义等三方面进行探析,并举验案以作示例。[结果] 建中肾沥汤法诸丸方起源于张仲景,传承发展于葛洪、释僧深、谢士泰、孙思邈等,有补肾治虚之功。《深师方》乐令黄芪汤可疗虚劳里急,《删繁方》肾沥汤可疗骨极虚寒。建中肾沥汤法诸丸方丰富了《黄帝内经》中“调以甘药”的理论内涵,体现了《黄帝内经》中“劳者温之”的治疗法则,扩大了《伤寒论》中“可与不可”的选择范围。所举验案辨证属骨痹病和腹痛病,以乐令黄芪汤加减,疗效显著。[结论] 建中肾沥汤法诸丸方可补肾益精血以疗虚损,可复营卫之气而济百病,对临床复杂性虚损病证的辨治极具启示意义。
      [Objective] To explore the diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics of the prescriptions related to Jianzhong Shenli Decoction method. [Methods] Based on the method that combines the summarization of the original texts of ancient books with clinical practice experience, this study investigates the syndrome, representative formulations, enlightenment and significance of the Jianzhong Shenli Decoction method. The associated clinical case is reported as an example. [Results] The Jianzhong Shenli Decoction method originated from ZHANG Zhongjing, inherited and developed in GE Hong, SHI Sengshen, XIE Shitai, SUN Simiao, etc. These formulations have the effects of nourishing the kidney and tonifying deficiency. For instance, Leling Huangqi Decoction recorded in Shenshi Fang can treat consumptive disease associated abdominal pain, Shenli Formula recorded in Shanfan Fang can treat extreme deficiency and cold of bone marrow. The Jianzhong Shenli Decoction method enriches the theoretical connotations of “harmonizing with sweet medicinal” in Huangdi Neijing, embodies the treatment principles of “treating overstrain with warming” in Huangdi Neijing, and expands the selection scope of “can and cannot” in Shanghan Lun. The reported cases involved the diagnosis of bone impediment and abdominal pain, with the treatment and modification of Leling Huangqi Decoction, significant therapeutic effects were achieved. [Conclusion] The Jianzhong Shenli Decoction method treats deficiency diseases through nourishing the kidneys, replenishing essence and blood, restoring the nutrient-defense Qi. This method holds significant enlightening implications for the diagnosis and treatment of complex deficiency-related conditions in clinical practice.
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