Professor WU Lianzhong’s Experience in Treating Tourette Syndrome in Children Based on Principles, Methods, Prescriptions, Acupoints and Techniques
中文关键词: 儿童抽动秽语综合征  实则阳明  虚则少阴  理法方穴术  医案  名医经验  武连仲
英文关键词: Tourette syndrome in children  excessive of Yangming  deficiency of Shaoyin  principles, methods, prescriptions, acupoints and techniques  medical records  experience of famous doctor  WU Lianzhong
于丽 天津中医药大学 天津 301617 
苗蓓亮 天津中医药大学 天津 301617 
刘筠 南开大学附属第四中心医院 
武连仲 天津中医药大学第一附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 1222
全文下载次数: 759
      [目的] 总结武连仲教授治疗儿童抽动秽语综合征的理、法、方、穴、术。[方法] 通过跟师临证学习及整理医案,总结武老对儿童抽动秽语综合征的理解及辨证治疗思路,并举验案加以佐证。[结果] 武老认为,儿童抽动秽语综合征的理为“实则阳明,虚则少阴”;法为“清泻阳明,补益少阴”;方常用黄连温胆汤合白虎汤加减以“清泻阳明”,六味地黄丸加减以“补益少阴”;形成了君臣佐使配伍合理的选穴处方;探索了提插捻转、补泻得当的针刺操作方法。治疗中时时注意小儿特殊的生理特点,临床疗效颇佳;所附验案属于“实则阳明”案,法、方、穴、术以“清泻阳明”为主,标本同治,获得了临床痊愈的理想效果。[结论] 武老基于“理法方穴术”治疗儿童抽动秽语综合征,临床疗效肯定,扩展丰富了儿童抽动秽语综合征的辨治体系,值得临床推广学习。
      [Objective] To summarize the principles, methods, prescriptions, acupoints and techniques of Professor WU Lianzhong in the treatment of Tourette syndrome in children. [Methods] The paper summarized and discussed Professor WU’s understanding of the cause and mechanism of Tourette syndrome in children thinking of treatment based on syndrome differentiation by studying the prescription from the teacher, sorting out the medical records and clinical observation, and cited a case to prove it. [Results] Professor WU thinks that the reason of Tourette syndrome in children is “excessive of Yangming, deficiency of Shaoyin”; the method is “clearing Yangming, supplementing Shaoyin”; he commonly uses traditional medical formulae Huanglian Wendan Decoction combined with Baihu Decoction for “clearing Yangming”, Liuwei Dihuang Pill for “supplementing Shaoyin”. A reasonable point selection prescription of reasonable compatibility of monarchs, officials and envoys is formed, the operation methods of twirling lifting and thrusting needles are explored. At the same time, pays attention to the special physiological characteristics of children in the treatment, the clinical effect is quite good. The patient in the case was identified as “excessive of Yangming”, and the main treatment prescription, acupoint and technique was to “clear Yangming”, and the desired results of clinical recovery were obtained. [Conclusion] Professor WU’s experience in treatment of Tourette syndrome in children from the principles, methods, prescriptions, acupoints and techniques obtains remarkable therapeutic effects and enriches the traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation and treatment system in the treatment of Tourette syndrome in children, which is worthy of further study and application.
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