Experience of CHEN Hua Inheriting the Academic Characteristics of Zhejiang School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatrics to Treat Pediatric Pulmonary Diseases
中文关键词: 肺系疾病  浙派中医儿科  小儿  临床经验  医案  陈华
英文关键词: pulmonary diseases  Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics  children  clinical experience  medical records  CHEN Hua
杨伟吉 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
吴蔚波 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 
彭甜 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 
章家菡 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 
陈华 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
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      [目的] 总结陈华教授传承浙派中医儿科学术特色治疗小儿肺系疾病的经验。[方法] 通过随师临证,研究浙派儿科学术特点,从病因病机、遣方用药等方面阐释陈师治疗小儿肺系疾病的临床经验及方药特色,并通过临床验案加以佐证。[结果] 陈师诊疗小儿肺系疾病的经验可概括为融通中西,谨守病机;四望一听,尤重望诊;分期论治,善用和清;用药轻灵,顾护脾胃。所列案例为小儿急性上呼吸道感染的典型案例,急性感染期解表清里,迁延反复期益气养阴,缓解恢复期补肺健脾,疗效显著。[结论] 陈师小儿肺系疾病的诊治经验,不仅有较高临床实用价值,更是对浙派中医儿科学术特色的传承和发展。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor CHEN Hua’s experience in treating pediatric pulmonary diseases by inheriting the academic characteristics of Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine. [Methods] By following the clinical evidence of the master and studying the academic characteristics of the Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics, Professor CHEN Hua’s clinical experience in the treatment of pediatric pulmonary diseases and the characteristics of the formulae and medicines were explained in terms of the etiology of the diseases and the use of medicines, which were supported by the clinical test cases. [Results] Professor CHEN has developed the following principles: integrating Chinese and western medicine, observing the pathogenesis of disease; looking and listening, especially looking; treating in stages, making good use of harmony and clarity; using medicines lightly, taking care of the spleen and stomach. The cases listed were typical examples of pediatric acute upper respiratory tract infections, with remarkable efficacy in resolving the exterior and clearing the interior of the body during the acute infection period, benefiting Qi and nourishing Yin during the prolonged and recurrent period, and tonifying the lungs and strengthening the spleen during the relieving and recovering period. [Conclusion] Professor CHEN’s experience in treating pediatric pulmonary diseases is not only of high clinical value, but also has the inheritance and development of the academic characteristics of pediatrics in Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine.
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