杨华娣,俞鉴玲,李慧,等.浙派中医治疗痛经经验整理[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(4):456-458, 464.
Experience Organization of Zhejiang School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Dysmenorrhea
中文关键词: 浙派中医  痛经  中医学术挖掘  经验整理  学术流派  名医经验
英文关键词: Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine  dysmenorrhea  academic excavation of traditional Chinese medicine  experience organization  academic schools  experience of famous doctor
杨华娣 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 杭州 310006 
俞鉴玲 浙江中医药大学 
李慧 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 杭州 310006 
陆申奕 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 杭州 310006 
张婷 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 杭州 310006 
摘要点击次数: 709
全文下载次数: 553
      [目的] 总结1911年前浙派中医治疗痛经的经验,探究其特色。[方法] 对浙派中医古籍文献中有关痛经的论述、病案等进行摘录整理,总结痛经病机及治疗特色。[结果] 浙派中医治疗痛经以“气血失调”为主要病机,提倡以寒热虚实为纲的气血辨证法,从月经有无先后失期、经血色量如何、痛在经行前后三方面进行辨证。文献所记载的痛经证型共8种,分别为血气虚证、血虚有滞证、血虚有寒证、血虚有热证、冲任不足证、肝气郁滞证、气滞血瘀证、寒凝血瘀证,以“温通清化、调和血气”为治则。浙派中医发扬命门学说,擅用温药,记载痛经要药10味,分别为凌霄花、白芍、马鞭草、玄胡、京三棱、鹿角、阳起石、白头翁根、莲房、荷叶。[结论] 浙派中医治疗痛经从“气血”立论,“温补”“清化”以治本,“调畅气血”为根本,以辨证论治、治病求本为宗。
      [Objective] To summarize ancient Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine’s experience in treating dysmenorrhea and explore its characteristics. [Methods] The treatises and medical records on dysmenorrhea in ancient Chinese medical literature of Zhejiang school were extracted and sorted out, and the pathogenesis and treatment characteristics of dysmenorrhea were summarized. [Results] “Qi and blood imbalance” is the main pathogenesis, advocating the Qi and blood syndrome differentiation method based on the principle of deficiency and excess of cold and heat. Differentiating syndromes lays in three aspects: whether menstruation has been delayed, how much menstrual blood color is, and pain before and after menstruation. There are 8 types of dysmenorrhea syndromes recorded in ancient Chinese medicine books of the Zhejiang school: blood Qi deficiency syndrome, blood deficiency with stagnation syndromes, blood deficiency with cold syndrome, blood deficiency with heat syndrome, insufficient Chongren syndrome, liver Qi stagnation syndrome, Qi stagnation with blood stasis syndrome and cold coagulation stasis syndrome. Ten essential medicines are recorded for dysmenorrhea: Campsis Flos, Paeoniae Radix Alba, Verbenae Herb, Corydalis Rhizoma, Sparganii Rhizoma, Cornu Cervi Degelatinatum, Actinolitum, Pulsatilliae Radix, Receptaculum Nelumbinis, Folium Nelumbinis. [Conclusion] The pathogenesis of dysmenorrhea in Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine is based on the theory of “Qi and blood”. The fundamental principles of “warming and tonifying” and “clearing and transforming” are to treat the root cause, regulate Qi and blood flow, and treat diseases based on syndrome differentiation and seeking the root cause.
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