Professor DAI Ning’s Experience in Differentiating and Treating Male Infertility Oligoasthenospermia with “Kidney Deficiency and Sperm Turbid”
中文关键词: 少弱精子症  肾虚精浊  调肾清精  补肾活血  化瘀赞育汤  名医经验
英文关键词: oligoasthenospermia  kidney deficiency and sperm turbid  regulating the kidney and clearing sperm  tonifying the kidney and promoting blood circulation  Huayu Zanyu Decoction  famous doctor’s experience
崔良浩 合肥市第三人民医院 合肥 230041 
徐新宇 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院 
戴宁 安徽中医药大学第一附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 1109
全文下载次数: 908
      [目的] 探析戴宁教授基于“肾虚精浊”辨治男性不育少弱精子症的学术经验。[方法] 通过整理戴宁教授临床诊治少弱精子症的医案,结合其临证所述,在充分认识疾病病机和用药特点的基础上,对其学术经验进行总结,并举典型医案论证。[结果] 戴宁教授认为“肾虚精浊”是少弱精子症的主要病机,其中肾虚不充、精室失养为疾病之根本,湿瘀浊蕴、精液不纯为疾病之关键,治疗上主以调肾清精法,体现在“调肾生精,提升精子质量”“清精化浊,消除精室阻塞”“序贯用药,灵活运用通补”“针药并用,合治以图效捷”等方面,内涵丰富,疗效卓著。所举医案中,患者因精索静脉曲张引发少弱精子症,故婚后一年半无子,辨为肾虚肝郁血瘀证,用化瘀赞育汤以补肾疏肝活血,综合治疗半年余,患者之妻成功受孕。[结论] 戴宁教授对少弱精子症的病机具有独到认识,辨证精准,用药经验丰富,对本病的临床诊治具有极大启发。
      [Objective] To explore Professor DAI Ning’s academic experience in treating male infertility oligoasthenospermia based on “kidney deficiency and sperm turbid”. [Methods] Through sorting out the medical records of oligoasthenospermia treated by Professor DAI Ning in clinic, combining with the clinical evidence; on the basis of fully understanding the pathogenesis of the disease and the characteristics of medication, the academic experience was summarized, and the typical medical case was cited to demonstrate the treatment. [Results] Professor DAI Ning believes that “kidney deficiency and sperm turbid” is the main pathogenesis of oligoasthenospermia, in which kidney deficiency and sperm chamber dystrophy are the root of the disease; evils of dampness, stasis and turbid coagulating together, and sperm impure are the key points. The main treatment should be regulating the kidney and clearing sperm, which is reflected in “regulating the kidney to produce sperm, improving sperm quality” “clearing sperm turbidity and eliminating sperm chamber obstruction” “sequential medication, flexible use of dredging and tonifying” “combining acupuncture and medicine for rapid onset of effect”and other aspects, which has rich connotation and excellent curative effect. In the medical case cited, the patient had oligoasthenospermia caused by varicocele, and was identified as kidney deficiency and liver stagnation and blood stasis syndrome, treated with Huayu Zanyu Decoction to tonify the kidney, soothe the liver and promote blood circulation. After comprehensive treatment for more than half a year, the patient’s wife was successfully pregnant. [Conclusion] Professor DAI Ning has a unique understanding of the pathogenesis of oligoasthenospermia, precise syndrome differentiation and rich experience in drug use, which has great inspiration for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
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