Professor CUI Yun’s Experience in Treating Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with the Methods of Regulating Qi
中文关键词: 良性前列腺增生  癃闭  调气  疏肝理气  提壶揭盖  名医经验  崔云
英文关键词: benign prostatic hyperplasia  retention of urine  regulate Qi  soothing the liver and regulating Qi  lifting the pot and uncovering the lid  famous doctor’s experience  CUI Yun
江大为 浙江中医药大学附属嘉兴中医院 浙江嘉兴 314000 
徐新宇 上海中医药大学附属岳阳中西医结合医院 
崔云 浙江中医药大学附属宁波中医院 
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全文下载次数: 426
      [目的] 介绍崔云教授运用调气法治疗良性前列腺增生的经验。[方法] 通过收集和整理崔教授运用调气法治疗良性前列腺增生的医案和临证叙述,全面总结其临证经验,并举典型医案进行论证。[结果] 崔教授认为,本病属本虚标实,其本虚主要在于脾肾气虚,标实主要在于痰瘀、湿浊阻滞,且与肺肝异常密切相关。治疗上尤其重视调节气机,形成了“健脾益肾,补虚以复气化”“化痰除瘀,畅通下焦气机”“宣肺启窍,促气机之流通”“疏肝理气,促气血之畅达”的治疗特色。所举医案中,患者年近七旬,罹患本病,结合舌脉和症状辨为痰瘀互结伤阴证,用“紫麦五”合当归贝母苦参丸滋阴润燥、化痰消瘀、宣肺通闭,前后治疗2月余,症状即得到平稳控制。[结论] 崔教授治疗良性前列腺增生经验丰富,对调气法认识独到,组方精当,用药平和而不峻烈,启发了本病的临床治疗。
      [Objective] To introduce Professor CUI Yun’s experience in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia with the methods of regulating Qi. [Methods] Through collecting and sorting out the medical records and clinical statements of Professor CUI in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia with the methods of regulating Qi, it summarized his clinical experience comprehensively, and cited a typical medical case for demonstration. [Results] Professor CUI believes that this disease belongs to the root deficiency and branch excess, its root deficiency mainly lies in the deficiency of the spleen and kidney, and its branch excess mainly lies in phlegm, stasis and dampness blocking, and closely related to lung and liver abnormalities. The treatment pays special attention to the regulation of Qi, forming the treatment features of“ invigorating the spleen and kidney, tonifying deficiency to recover gasification” “ eliminating phlegm and removing stasis, unblocking the lower-Jiao Qi movement”“ ventilating the lung and opening the orifices, promoting the circulation of Qi movement”“soothing the liver and regulating Qi, promoting the smooth flow of Qi and blood”. In the medical case cited, the patient nearly 70 yearsold suffered from this disease, was distinguished as syndrome of mixed phlegm and blood stasis damaging Yin combined with the tongue and pulse with symptoms differention, with“ Zimaiwu” combined with Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill for nourishing Yin and moistening dryness, resolving phlegm and eliminating blood stasis, and dispersing the lung and diffusing impediment, the symptoms were controlled smoothly for more than 2 months after treatment. [Conclusion] Professor CUI has rich experience in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and he has an unique understanding in adjusting the methods of regulating Qi, and the prescription is precise, the drug is peaceful but not severe, which has inspired the clinical treatment of this disease.
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