The Shaping of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ethics from the Perspective of Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties
中文关键词: 宋明理学  传统  中医  医德    
英文关键词: Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism  tradition  Chinese medicine  medical ethics  benevolence  filial piety
基金项目:浙江文化研究工程重大项目(23WH27ZD);浙江省中医药科技计划项目(2024ZL518);浙江中医药大学2023 年度教育教学改革项目(ZB23009-03);浙江中医药大学科研项目(2023RCZXSK06)
赵法政 浙江中医药大学浙江中医药文化研究院浙江省哲学社会科学重点培育研究基地 杭州 310053 
郑依琪 浙江中医药大学 
佟欣 浙江中医药大学 
摘要点击次数: 887
全文下载次数: 415
      [目的] 研究宋明理学的内在要求,揭示其对医德内驱、医德修养路径、医德目标以及医德思想等的塑造作用,以期为当代医德医风建设提供借鉴和有益助力。[方法] 系统梳理宋明理学影响下,医家关于医德的相关论述及道德实践。考察中国古代传统中医医德的塑造方式及过程,研究医德内驱的核心内容、医德修养路径的关键要求、医德目标的实践途径和医德思想的根本原则。[结果] 宋以后,中医医德是以理学为核心的价值系统。在理学家“识仁”“孝为仁之本”“明体达用”“理欲观”等思想的渗透下,古代中医逐步形成“推己及人”“知医为孝”“经世致用”“济世活人”等道德情感。[结论] 古代医德在当今社会仍闪耀人性的光芒,通过树立道德榜样,引领医务人员形成“医乃仁术”“不谋其利,不计其功”的道德标准。理学在现今依然有积极的指导作用,将理学中“识仁”“孝”“经世致用”“理欲观”等思想注入当代医德建设体系中,有助于构建新时代医德体系,推动实现“健康中国”战略目标。
      [Objective] To provide reference and beneficial assistance for the construction of contemporary medical ethics through studying the inherent requirements of Neo Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties, revealing its shaping role in the internal drive of medical ethics, the path of medical ethics cultivation, the goals of medical ethics and medical ethics ideas. [Methods] Systematically review the relevant discussions and moral practices of medical ethics by physicians under the influence of Neo Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties. Examine the shaping methods and processes of traditional Chinese medicine medical ethics in ancient China, study the core content of internal drive of medical ethics, key requirements of medical ethics cultivation path, practical approaches to medical ethics goals and fundamental principles of medical ethics thought. [Results] After the Song Dynasty, traditional Chinese medicine ethics was a value system centered on Neo Confucianism. Under the infiltration of Neo Confucianism’s ideas such as“ understanding benevolenc”“ filial piety is the foundation of benevolence” “understanding the body and applying it” “the concept of reason desire”, ancient Chinese medicine gradually formed moral emotions such as“ promoting oneself and others”“ knowing medicine for filial piety”“ practicing practical skills”“ benefiting the world and living people”. [Conclusion] Ancient medical ethics still shine with the radiance of human nature in today’s society. By setting a moral example, it guides medical personnel to form a moral standard of“ medicine is benevolent” and“ not seeking benefits, disregarding achievements”. Neo Confucianism still has a positive guiding role today. Injecting the ideas of“benevolence”“ filial piety”“ practical application”“ rational desire” into the contemporary medical ethics construction system can help to build a new era of medical ethics system and promote the achievement of the strategic goal“ Healthy China”.
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