Professor YU Tugen’s Experience in Treating Oral Lichen Planus
中文关键词: 口腔扁平苔藓  口疮  清热祛湿  健脾  情志  余土根  临床经验  中医治疗
英文关键词: oral lichen planus  oral ulceration  clearing heat and dispelling dampness  tonifying the spleen  psychosocial factors  YU Tugen  clinical experience  traditional Chinese medicine
楼雨菲 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
余土根 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 964
全文下载次数: 502
      [目的] 总结余土根教授治疗口腔扁平苔藓(oral lichen planus,OLP)的临床经验。[方法] 通过跟师随诊,记录医案资料,整理分析,同时结合国内外有关病因机制的研究文献,归纳整理余土根教授治疗OLP的经验,概括总结其对OLP病因病机、治则治法、日常调护的认识,并附验案一则加以佐证。[结果] OLP与多种因素相关,余土根教授谓之内外相因,虚实夹杂,根源于脾胃之间,积热、阴虚、情乱等皆可致病。疗疾以清热祛湿为先,健脾护胃为本,滋阴润燥为务,解郁化瘀为要,用药灵活加减。重视患者心理因素,兼参“治未病”,日常积极宣导,实行善防。验案中患者知命之年,诊为脾虚湿热之口疮,治拟健脾祛湿、清热敛疮,标本兼治,疗效显著。[结论] 余土根教授治疗OLP,清热祛湿先行,强调健脾为本,关注情志因素,辅以滋阴润燥、解郁化瘀之法,收效甚佳,值得学习与借鉴。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor YU Tugen’s clinical experience in treating oral lichen planus (OLP). [Methods] Through apprenticeship and clinical following up, medical cases data are documented, collated and analyzed. Simultaneously, by combining research on the pathogenesis of OLP from domestic and international sources, the experiences of Professor YU Tugen in treating OLP are summarized and compiled. The etiology, pathogenesis, principles, methods of treatment and daily care approaches for OLP are comprehensively summarized. Additionally, one clinical case is provided for validation. [Results] OLP is a multifaceted condition,regarded by Professor YU Tugen as an intricate interplay of intrinsic and extrinsic factors rooted in the symbiotic relationship between the spleen and stomach. Pathogenic elements such as heat accumulation, Yin deficiency and emotional perturbations are implicated in its etiology. Therapeutic interventions prioritize the clearance of heat and dampness, fortification of the spleen and stomach and consideration of psychosocial factors, with pharmacological strategies tailored to individual presentations. Proactive health promotion strategies,underscored by the precept of disease prevention, are advocated. A clinical vignette was exemplified for favorable treatment outcomes targeting spleen deficiency and damp-heat oral ulcers. [Conclusion] Professor YU Tugen’s treatment of OLP emphasizes the priority of clearing heat and eliminating dampness, with a foundational focus on invigorating the spleen. He pays attention to psychological factors,supplementing the approach with methods to nourish Yin, moisten dryness, resolve emotional stagnation and dispel blood stasis. The therapeutic outcomes have been remarkably positive, offering valuable insights for study and reference.
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