Correct the Mistake of Attributing the Authorship of Wenbing Zhinan and Yixue Zhenchuan to GAO Bingjun
中文关键词: 温病指南  医学真传  高秉钧  娄杰  高世栻  转引  讹误  中华医典
英文关键词: Wenbing Zhinan  Yixue Zhenchuan  GAO Bingjun  LOU Jie  GAO Shishi  citation chains  error  Zhonghua Yidian
顾元烨 北京中医药大学 北京 100029 
计维萱 北京中医药大学 北京 100029 
熊益亮 北京中医药大学 北京 100029 
摘要点击次数: 329
全文下载次数: 249
      [目的] 对《温病指南》《医学真传》作者误为高秉钧的流传脉络进行梳理和正讹。[方法] 通过人物考证方法,对高秉钧、娄杰、高世栻其人其事进行文献考证梳理;通过文献检索方法,检索中国知网、读秀数据库中《温病指南》《医学真传》存在讹误的学术论文及专著图书;通过文献计量方法,运用中国知网文献互引网络分析工具,分析《医学真传》讹文转引脉络。[结果] 由高秉钧、娄杰、高世栻的生平事迹可知,他们所精专科不同,而且生卒年月无重合。根据学术论文和专著图书讹误脉络,《温病指南》《医学真传》讹误上游应为2002版电子图书《中华医典》。互引网络分析结果认为,2011年发表的《艾灸温通作用的理论探讨》一文对《医学真传》作者讹误的传播起到了广泛推动作用。[结论] 《 温病指南》《医学真传》的作者分别是娄杰和高世栻,此二书误为高秉钧所作,与学者和编辑在转引时未能详查原始文献和权威文献有关,此则提示学人在转引时务必谨慎考证,避免以讹传讹。
      [Objective] To sort out and correct the transmission context of the mistaken authorship of Wenbing Zhinan(Guide to Warm Diseases) and Yixue Zhenchuan(Medical Secrets) as being by GAO Bingjun. [Methods] Through the method of character verification, a literature verification and sorting is conducted on the individuals and events of GAO Bingjun, LOU Jie and GAO Shishi. Through the method of literature retrieval, academic papers and monographs with errors in Wenbing Zhinan and Yixue Zhenchuan are retrieved from China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) and Duxiu databases. Through the method of bibliometrics, the CNKI literature cocitation network analysis tool is used to analyze the citation network of erroneous references in Yixue Zhenchuan. [Results] Based on the biographical information of GAO Bingjun, LOU Jie and GAO Shishi, it was known that they specialized in different fields and their birthdeath dates did not overlap. According to the research papers and monographs indicating errors in transmission context, it was suggested that the source upstream of errors in Wenbing Zhinan and Yixue Zhenchuan should be attributed to the 2002 edition electronic book Zhonghua Yidian(Chinese Medical Records). The results from network analysis indicated that a paper titled“ Theoretical Study on Warming and Dredging Function of Moxibustion” published in 2011, played a significant role in promoting the spread of errors regarding authors’mistakes in Yixue Zhenchuan. [Conclusion] The author of Wenbing Zhinan was LOU Jie and the author of Yixue Zhenchuan was GAO Shishi respectively. These two books were mistakenly attributed to GAO Bingjun due to scholars’ failure to carefully verify original documents during citations. This suggests that researchers must exercise caution when citing sources to avoid perpetuating errors.
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