Deconstructing the Application of Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill in Tumor from the Pathogenesis of Phlegm-stasis-toxin
中文关键词: 恶性肿瘤  当归贝母苦参丸  病机        医案  临床应用
英文关键词: malignant tumor  Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill  pathogenesis  phlegm  stasis  toxin  medical cases  clinical application
陈滨海 浙江中医药大学附属第二医院杭州 310005 
张光霁 浙江中医药大学 
摘要点击次数: 849
全文下载次数: 454
      [目的] 从“痰瘀毒”病机探讨当归贝母苦参丸在肿瘤临床治疗中的运用。[方法] 从《灵枢》相关论述出发,论述肿瘤发生发展的重要病机,同时在系统阐述“瘀”病机基础上解构当归贝母苦参丸的组方机理,并列举相关临床案例。[结果] 从恶性肿“痰”“毒”瘤的病机来看,是恶性肿瘤重要的成形性病机,是恶性肿瘤重要的恶性属性病机,“无痰瘀,和“痰瘀互结”“毒”可以总结为不成形”“无毒邪,不恶性”。当归贝母苦参丸的组方原理可以与恶性肿瘤“痰瘀毒”病机相对应,总结为化痰祛瘀解毒法。所举 2则案例,案例 1患者为前列腺癌术后出现小便不利,因患者久为痰瘀之体,手术之后,络脉更损,痰瘀停滞,气化不利,故用当归贝母苦参丸化痰祛瘀解毒加通淋利尿之品而愈;案例 2患者为肾癌晚期肿瘤病灶破溃而出现全程尿血,因患者痰瘀毒胶结不化,久而蕴热,损脉破络,致使肾络受伤,迫血外溢,故用当归贝母苦参丸和犀角地黄汤清热通淋、凉血止血而收功。[结论] 从“痰瘀毒”病机解构当归贝母苦参丸,可以更好地理解该方并在肿瘤临床上加以应用。
      [OObbjjeeccttiivvee] To explore the clinical application of Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill in tumor from the pathogenesis of phlegm-stasis-toxin. [MMeetthhooddss] Based on the relevant discussion of Lingshu,the important pathogenesis of tumor occurrence and development was discussed.Meanwhile,the mechanism of formulation of Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill deconstructed on the basis of the pathogenesis of phlegm,stasis and poison,andrelatedclinicalcaseswerelisted.[RReessuullttss] Thwase pathogenesis of ma?lignant tumor was“no phlegm stasis,no shape”and“no toxic evil,no malignancy”.The formulation principle of Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill was the method of eliminating phlegm and removing stasis and detoxifying.Two cases were examplifed,the patient in case 1 was prostate cancer after adverse urination,because the patient had the body of phlegm stasis for a long time,after the operation,the collaterals were more damaged with phlegm stasis stagnation and adverse gasification,so Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill was used to remove phlegm and stasis,added with diuretic products for cure; In case 2,the patient had the whole urine blood due to the rupture of the advanced tumor lesion of kidney cancer,because the patient had phlegm and poison glued together,the pulse was warm,resulting in kidney collateral injury and forced blood overflow,so Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill and Xijiao Dihuang Soup were used to clear heat and free strangury,and cool the blood to stop bleeding. [CCoonncclluussiioonn] De?constructing Danggui Beimu Kushen Pill from the pathogenesis of “phlegm-stasis-toxin” can better understand the decoction and apply it in tumor clinic.
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