Professor CUI Yun’s Experience in the Treatment of Fungal Urinary Tract Infection with Clearing and Tonifying Method
中文关键词: 真菌性尿路感染  清补  湿热  浊毒  五淋散  名医经验  崔云
英文关键词: fungal urinary tract infection  clearing and tonifying  dampness and heat  turbidity and toxin  Wulin Powder  famous doctors’ experience  CUI Yun
叶有骏 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院杭州 310053 
林展熠 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院杭州 310053 
钱鑫 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院杭州 310053 
张婷 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院杭州 310053 
王莉 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院杭州 310053 
崔云 浙江中医药大学附属宁波中医院 
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      [目的] 总结崔云教授运用清补法治疗真菌性尿路感染的临证经验。[方法] 通过收集和分析崔教授诊治真菌性尿路感染患者临床病例,结合其所谈所述,在充分认识病因病机和用药特点的基础上,对崔教授诊治此病的经验进行全面总结,并举典型医案进行论证。[结果] 崔云教授认为,本病源起湿热,继而进展为浊毒,浊毒内生,胶结缠绵,损伤正气,脾肾两虚,迁延难愈,据此提出以清热利湿、降浊解毒、扶正补虚为治疗手段。所举医案中,患者因长期留置双 J管而患真菌性尿路感染,辨证为膀胱湿热,治以清热利水、通淋止痛,方用五淋散化裁,辅以化浊毒、扶正气之药,疗效显著。[结论] 崔教授以清补之法治疗真菌性尿路感染,标本兼顾,扶正与祛邪并用,灵活用药,为临证治疗本病提供了良好借鉴。
      [OObbjjeeccttiivvee] To summarize Professor CUI Yun’s clinical experience in the treatment of fungal urinary tract infection by clearingand tonifying method. [MMeetthhooddss] By collecting and analyzing the clinical cases of Professor CUI’s diagnosis and treatment of fungal urinarytract infection,combined with his remarks,based on fully understanding the etiology,pathogenesis and medication characteristics, Professor CUI’s experience in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease was comprehensively summarized,and one typical medical case was cited for demonstration. [RReessuullttss] Professor CUI believes that the origin of the disease is dampness and heat,and then it develops into turbidity and toxin,which is endogenous,solidified and lingering,damaged the vital Qi,and caused deficiency of the spleen and kidney, difficult to be cured over time. According to this,Professor CUI proposes clearing heat and dampness,reducing turbidity and detoxification,strengthening the body and tonifying deficiency for treatment methods. In the medical case mentioned here,the patient suffered from fungal urinary tract infection due to long-term indwelling of double-J tube,which was distinguished as the syndrome of bladder damp-heat. The treatment was to clear heat and promote diuresis,promote diuresis and relieve pain,and the prescription was to use Wulin Powder to reduce turbidity and poison,and to strengthen Qi. [CCoonncclluussiioonn] Professor CUI treats fungal urinary tract infection with the method of clearing and tonifying,treating both the symptoms and the root cause,strengthening the body and eliminating pathogens at the same time,and using drugs flexibly,which provides a good reference for the clinical treatment of this disease.
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