FU Wenbin’s Experience in Treating Persistent Somatoform Pain Disorder by Integrated Acupuncture and Moxibustion Therapy of“Soothing the Liver and Regulating Mind”
中文关键词: 持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍  心身疾病  疏肝调神  整合针灸  名医经验  符文彬
英文关键词: persistent somatoform pain disorder  psychosomatic disease  soothing the liver and regulating the mind  integrated acupunctureand moxibustion therapy  famous doctor’s experience  FU Wenbin
王嘉仪 广州中医药大学东莞医院广东东莞 523000 
罗树雄 广州中医药大学东莞医院广东东莞 523000 
薛爱国 广州中医药大学东莞医院广东东莞 523000 
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      [目的] 总结符文彬教授治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍的理论观点及疗法应用。[方法] 通过跟师临证、医案整理,并结合文献检索,分析总结符教授运用整合针灸模式治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍的辨证思路与临床经验,并附一则医案验析。[结果] 符教授认为,此病是情志因素和躯体经脉气血病变共同影响的结果,属“气伤致痛”,诊治思路上“疏肝”与“调神”并重,结合“一针二灸三巩固”的整合针灸模式治疗。本文列举一女性长期下腹胀痛的案例以详述疗法应用,其病以肝经循行处疼痛为主症,有情绪等诱因,病机多为情志不舒导致肝气郁结,经脉气血不畅则痛,故针刺以“疏肝调神”为关键治则。符教授针刺操作时察神揣穴、徐入徐出、脉症合参,选穴上重气血升降调和,综合运用针刺、精灸、刺络和埋针等中医特色疗法治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍。[结论] 符教授治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍,注重“疏肝调神”,心身同治,针灸并用,取得较好的临床疗效,其经验亦可为针灸治疗心身疾病提供思路,值得临床借鉴。
      [OObbjjeeccttiivvee] To summarize the theoretical viewpoints and therapeutic applications of Professor FU Wenbin in the treatment ofpersistent somatoform pain disorder(PSPD). [MMeetthhooddss] By following the teacher’s clinical evidence,organizing medical cases and combining with literature search,this article analyzed and summarized Professor FU’s identification ideas and clinical experience intreating PSPD by using the integrated acupuncture model with a medical case attached. [RReessuullttss] Professor FU believes that the disease isthe result of the joint influence of emotional factors and body meridians Qi and blood lesions,which belongs to“pain caused by Qi injury”. The diagnosis and treatment concepts of“soothing the liver”and“regulating the mind”are also emphasized,as well as the combination of“acupuncture at the top priority,followed by moxibustion and consolidation at the end”integration of acupuncture and moxibustion modeof treatment. This article cites the case of a female patient with long-term lower abdominal distension and pain to detail the application oftherapies. The pain was the main symptom associated with emotional effects,mostly due to the meridian Qi and blood stagnation,so it took acupuncture for“soothing the liver and regulating the mind”as the key rule of treatment. In the operation of acupuncture,Professor FU suggested the need to pay attention to patient’s mind,to enter and exit the needle slowly,and to cross-reference the pulse with thesymptoms. The selection of acupuncture points emphasized the elevation and harmonization of Qi and blood. Acupuncture,moxibustion, bloodletting and intradermal needle embedding and other traditional Chinese medicine special therapy treatments were used to treat PSPD.[CCoonncclluussiioonn] Professor FU’s treatment of PSPD focuses on“soothing the liver and regulating the mind”,treating the mind and bodytogether,and using acupuncture and moxibustion to achieve good clinical efficacy. The experience can also provide ideas for the treatmentof psychosomatic diseases with acupuncture and moxibustion,which is worthwhile to learn from in the clinic.
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