任沁怡,徐爽,邓慧芳,等.仲景原文“烦疼”“疼烦”症考释[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(6):738-740, 751.
Textual Research on Symptoms of Fanteng(烦疼) and Tengfan(疼烦) of ZHANG Zhongjing’s Original Text
中文关键词: 张仲景  烦疼  疼烦    频繁  湿病  《伤寒论》  《金匮要略》
英文关键词: ZHANG Zhongjing  Fanteng(烦疼)  Tengfan(疼烦)  Fan(烦)  frequent  dampness disease  Treatise on Febrile Diseases  Synopsis of the Golden Chamber
任沁怡 北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029 
徐爽 北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029 
邓慧芳 北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029
钟相根 北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029
摘要点击次数: 799
全文下载次数: 463
      [目的] 考证《伤寒论》中“疼烦”的含义。[方法] 从历代注家注疏入手,对不同观点进行归纳、同时通《金匮要略》“烦疼”分析,过文字学考证,参考秦汉医学与非医文献,探明“烦”字字义,并结合张仲景原文分析二症含义。[结果] 历代注家将二症释为疼痛剧烈、疼痛并烦扰、“烦”还有繁多、频繁之意。在张仲景原文中二症与热疼不妥。文字学考证可见,字除了表示心神的不适感之外,具体身体部位连用,见于湿病、少阳病等,反复。[结论] 张仲景原文中“疼烦”“疼痛频繁”之意。疟病、表示疼痛频繁、“烦疼”实为
      [OObbjjeeccttiivvee] To do textual research on the meaning of“Fanteng”(烦疼) and“Tengfan”(疼烦) in Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Synopsis of the Golden Chamber. [MMeetthhooddss] By reviewing the annotations and commentaries from different scholars throughout history,the paper summarizes and analyzes their different viewpoints. Additionally,through philological research and references to medical and nonmedical literature from the Qin and Han Dynasties,the paper seeks to ascertain the semantic meaning of the word“Fan”(烦). Furthermore,by analyzing ZHANG Zhongjing’s original text,the paper explores the intended meanings of these two symptoms. [RReessuullttss]] Scholars throughout history have interpreted these two symptoms as intense pain,pain accompanied by restlessness and inappropriate pain caused by heat. In addition to expressing the uncomfortable feeling of mind,“fan”(烦) also means numerous and frequent. In ZHANG Zhongjing’s original texts,these two symptoms are used in conjunction with specific body parts,in dampness disease,malaria and Shaoyang disease,etc.,indicating frequent and recurring pain. [CCoonncclluussiioonn] In ZHANG Zhongjing’s original texts,“Fanteng”(烦疼) and “Tengfan”(疼烦) actually refer to the concept of“frequent pain”.
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