Summary of YE Tianshi’s Method for Removing Stagnant Qi
中文关键词: 叶天士  陈气  源流  脾瘅  代谢性疾病  病机  中医理论  除陈气法
英文关键词: YE Tianshi  stagnant Qi  source and flow  splenic pure heat  metabolic diseases  pathogenesis  Chinese medicine theory  method of removing stagnant Qi
王培基 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨 150040 
郭逸文 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨 150040 
王钊 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨 150040 
柳心 解放军联勤保障部队第 903医院 
狄舒男 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨 150040 
付广威 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨 150040 
桑希生 黑龙江中医药大学哈尔滨 150040 
摘要点击次数: 631
全文下载次数: 574
      [Objective] To analyze YE Tianshi’s method of removing stagnant Qi and the characteristics of the medication used,with a view to provide new ideas for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of splenic pure heat(metabolic syndrome). [Methods] The origin anddevelopment of the concept of stagnant Qi and its interpretation by medical practitioners through the ages were systematically analyzed bymeans of literature review,focusing on the theoretical basis of“Lan removes stagnant Qi”in the Huangdi’s Internal Classic and its evolution during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Focusing on YE Tianshi’s medical and pharmacological ideas,it summarized his medication pattern in treating splenic pure heat,including the selection of medicines,the principles of compounding and the therapeutic goals,so as to reveal the core of his prevention and treatment concepts. Based on modern Chinese medicine theory,the concept of stagnant Qi was re-examined,its association with modern metabolic diseases was analyzed,and the modern application of the method of removing stagnantQi was evaluated. [Results] Stagnant Qi is regarded as an abnormal state of accumulation of essence and micro-substances,which is closely related to metabolic imbalance and is a key link in the progression of diseases. The method of removing stagnant Qi is rooted in“Lan removes stagnant Qi”of Huangdi’s Internal Classic. YE Tianshi,through precise diagnosis,used the method of removing stagnant Qi as the core and combined it with ginseng and Huangdi’s Internal Classic,which effectively intervened in the splenic pure heat and minimized the incidence of thirst,although the specific strategy of the medication needed to be supported by more researches. As one of thekey therapeutic principles of Chinese medicine in the treatment of metabolic diseases,although the method of removing stagnant Qi shows potential in the modern treatment of metabolic diseases,its specific usage and drug utilization are still in the stage of accumulatingexperience,and further in-depth excavation and research are needed. [Conclusion] YE Tianshi’s method of removing stagnant Qi providesa new theoretical perspective for the understanding of metabolic diseases in Chinese medicine,emphasizing the importance of earlyintervention. The study not only deepens the stagnant Qi theory but also provides guidance for clinical practice,but more experimentalstudies and clinical data are needed to refine its application. Future work should focus on the mechanism study and clinical validation ofthe stagnant Qi removal method with a view to play a greater role in the treatment of metabolic diseases.
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