Exploration on Annotation features of Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi by Tanba Motokata
中文关键词: 丹波元坚  《金匮要略》  《金匮玉函要略辑义》  《金匮玉函要略述义》  注释  考证  仲景学术  汉方医学
英文关键词: Tanba Motokata  Jingui Yaolue  Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Jiyi  Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi  annotation  textual research  Zhongjingacademic  Chinese medicine
崔瑞静 山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院济南 250355 
崔静豪 安丘市中医院 
李玉清 山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院济南 250355 
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      [Objective] To analyze the annotation features of Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi,hoping to provide a reference for the study of Jingui Yaolue. [Methods] By using the method of bibliography the annotation texts in the book of Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi are classified and sorted out,the annotation features of Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi are systematically analyzed in combination with the relevant works such as Shuowen Jiezi,Shuowen Jiezi Judou and Liji. [Results] Tanba Motokata was a leading authority of Japanese textual criticism, Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi was to supplement his father’s Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Jiyi in collation and annotation. The annotations in the book extensively collected the classics of the ancients,the coexistence of the examination and the collection of notes; proficient in elementary school,precisely analyzing the interchangeable words and ancient and modern characters; with a wide variety of schools, analyzing and commenting on the annotations of the predecessors; explaining the experience of treatment to provide reference for clinicaloperation. [Conclusion] Jingui Yuhan Yaolue Shuyi was an excellent annotation of Jingui Yaolue,which was collection of Tanba Motokata nearly thirty years of Zhongjing academic research essence,systematic studying this book has high reference significance for the study of Jingui Yaolue .
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