Professor CHEN Yi’s Clinical Experience in the Treatment of Insomnia with the Theory of “Harmony and Unity”
中文关键词: 不寐  以和统之  治肝拟童  阴平阳秘  阴虚火旺  宁心安神  陈意  名医经验
英文关键词: insomnia  unification with peace  treatment of liver as child  Yin and Yang in equilibrium  deficient Yin and excessive fire  tranquillize heart and mind  CHEN Yi  experience of famous doctors
徐山春 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院浙江省中医院 杭州 310006 
钟滢 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院浙江省中医院 杭州 310006 
章源 杭州市上城区凯旋街道卫生服务中心 
陈意 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院浙江省中医院 杭州 310006 
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      [目的] 总结陈意教授“以和统之”理论指导下治疗不寐的临证经验。[方法]通过师承学习、整理归纳相关文献及陈意教授的论述与案例,详细阐述对不寐病因病机的认识,探讨基于“以和统之”理论的独特辨治思路和经验,并举以医案验证。[结果] 陈意教授认为不寐的发生是由于脏腑阴阳失衡、气血失和,提出以和法统摄八法,采取分而治之的策略,并强调养、疏、清、宁,形成了独特的安神助眠治疗特色。所附医案为值绝经前后的不寐患者,以阴阳失衡、阴不敛阳而致阴虚火旺为主病机,予滋阴降火、宁心安神治法,进一步调和气血,恢复脏腑功能,达到“阴平阳秘”的状态,“致中和”、人安寐。[结论] 陈意教授以“以和统之”理论治疗不寐,疗效显著,值得学习与推广。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor CHEN Yi’s clinical experience in treating insomnia based on the theory of “harmony and unity”. [Methods] Through learning from Professor CHEN, collation and summary of relevant literature and Professor CHEN’s expositions and cases, the understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of insomnia is elaborated, and the unique treatment ideas and experiences rooted in the theory of harmony and “unification” are discussed, and verified by medical cases. [Results] Professor CHEN believes that the occurrence of insomnia is due to imbalance of viscera Yin and Yang, as well as deficiency of Qi and blood. The attached medical case was a patient in the physiological stage before and after menopause, with the imbalance of Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang Yin deficiency and fire as the main pathogenesis, and the treatment method of nourishing Yin and reducing fire, calming the heart and calming the nerves, further harmonizing Qi and blood was used. [Conclusion] Professor CHEN’s theory of “harmony and unity” has a remarkable curative effect, which is worth learning and promoting.
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