Analysis on the Abdominal Examination of General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases
中文关键词: 《诸病源候论》  腹诊  诊法  手法  中医诊断学  文献研究  理论研究  历史溯源
英文关键词: General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases  abdominal examination  diagnostic method  manipulation  diagnostics of Chinese medicine  textual study  theoretical research  tracing the historical source
俞丹丹 浙江中医药大学附属江南医院 杭州 311201
裴静波 浙江中医药大学附属江南医院 杭州 311201 
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      [目的] 探析《诸病源候论》之中医腹诊的学术特色。[方法] 通过筛选整理《诸病源候论》中有关腹诊条文,结合历代医家研究成果,试从历史溯源、腹诊手法、诊察要点、现代发展四方面,回顾腹诊发展过程,分析腹诊具体手法要领,探析腹诊诊察及鉴别关键,并探究《诸病源候论》腹诊的现代医学新进展。[结果] 从《黄帝内经》开创到《伤寒论》辨证时期,腹诊手法长期以按、扪为主,直至隋代腹诊手法才进入一个新的发展阶段。手法方面,《诸病源候论》创新了抑按、切按、推移、揣摩、动摇、转动等腹诊手法,并详细阐述其动作要领和特点。诊察方面,《诸病源候论》描述了腹力、腹温、拘急、动悸、疼痛、包块等诊察要点,对掌握病因病机,判断虚实寒热、缓急预后有重要指导意义。现代学者基于《诸病源候论》腹诊手法,结合临床经验,拓宽腹诊应用范围,并在疾病诊疗过程中获得可观的疗效。[结论] 隋·巢元方《诸病源候论》不仅创新了腹诊手法,还详细地描述了腹诊的诊察要点,同时将腹诊延用至内外妇儿多科,具有重要的学术价值。
      [Objective] To explore the academic characteristics of abdominal diagnosis in General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases. [Methods] Through screening and sorting out the provisions on abdominal diagnosis in General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases,combined with the research achievements of doctors in the past dynasties,this paper reviews the development process of abdominal diagnosis from four aspects: historical tracing,abdominal diagnosis techniques,diagnostic points and modern development,analyzes the specific techniques of abdominal diagnosis,explores the key points of abdominal diagnosis and identification,and summarizes the new progress of modern medicine in abdominal diagnosis in General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases. [Results] From the beginning of “The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic” to the differentiation period of “Treatise on Febrile Diseases”,the abdominal diagnosis techniques were mainly used to press and buckle for a long time,and it was not until the Sui Dynasty that abdominal diagnosis techniques entered a new stage of development. In terms of techniques, General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases innovated the abdominal diagnosis techniques such as suppressing, cutting, pushing, speculating,shaking and rotating, and elaborated its movement essentials and characteristics in detail. In terms of diagnosis and treatment, General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases described the key points of diagnosis such as abdominal strength,abdominal warmth,irritability, palpitation, pain, mass,etc. , which had important guiding significance for mastering the etiology and pathogenesis, judging the disease’s deficiency and excess, cold and hot,prognosis. Modern scholars based on the methods of abdominal diagnosis of various diseases,combined with clinical experience, expanded the scope of abdominal diagnosis and treatment, and obtained considerable curative effect in the process of disease diagnosis and treatment. [Conclusion] General Treatise on the Cause and Symptoms of Diseases not only innovates the technique of abdominal diagnosis, but also describes the main points of abdominal diagnosis in detail, and extends abdominal diagnosis to many departments of internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics which has important academic value.
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