Literature Analysis of the Distribution of Clinical Trial Characteristics and Disease Spectrum of Five-Tone Therapy
中文关键词: 五音疗法  角调  徵调  治疗规范  疾病谱  随机对照试验  技术要点  文献计量学
英文关键词: five-tone therapy  Jue tone  Zhi tone  treatment standardization  disease spectrum  randomized controlled trial  technical points  bibliometrics
潘赫婧 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
黄琳 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
李宣霖 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
胡轩铭 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
王憭瑶 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
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      [目的] 探讨五音疗法临床研究的治疗特征、技术要点、疾病谱分布,为科学设计与实施五音疗法临床试验提供参考。[方法]检索中国知网(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,CNKI)、维普中文期刊服务平台(VIP)、万方数据知识服务平台(WanfangData)、中国生物医学文献数据库(China Biology Medicine disc,CBMdisc)、PubMed、Embase、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、Clinical Trails共9大数据库收录的五音疗法随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)文献,提取文献标题、第一作者、病症、干预措施等信息,采用文献计量方法对纳入研究的样本量、干预方式、疗程频率、治疗环境、对照方式、疾病谱分布进行分析。[结果] 共纳入491篇RCT文献,纳入文献的样本量多在60~100例(占比60.08%),五音疗法常与耳穴贴压、中药、针刺等联合使用;治疗频次1次/d、治疗时长30 min/次及疗程28 d为主要治疗特征;对照措施可分为中医治疗、西医治疗、音乐疗法、空白对照4类,西医治疗使用频次最高(446次)。314篇文献(63.95%)报告了具体曲调,其中以角调频次最高,共计108次。音乐疗法共涉及病症66种,分布在17个疾病系统中,适宜疾病系统频次前3位为精神和行为障碍(112篇)、神经系统疾病(76篇)、肿瘤疾病(71篇)。[结论] 五音疗法适应证广,临床应用潜力大,但治疗时间、疗程等方面尚待形成规范的标准。未来仍需设计和实施更科学的试验方案促进五音疗法的合理应用与推广。
      [Objective] To explore the therapeutic characteristics, technical points and disease spectrum distribution of clinical studies on five-tone therapy, and to provide a reference for the scientific design and implementation of clinical trials on five-tone therapy. [Methods]Retrieve randomized controlled trial(RCT) literature on five-tone therapy from 9 major databases including China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), VIP, Wanfang Data, China Biology Medicine disc(CBMdisc), PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Clinical Trails. Extract information such as literature titles, first authors, symptoms, and intervention measures. Use bibliometric methods to analyze the sample size, intervention methods, treatment frequency, treatment environment, control methods,and symptom spectrum of the included studies. [Results] The sample size of the inclusion of 491 articles was mostly focused on 60~100 patients (60.08%), and five-tone therapy was often used in combination with auricular acupressure, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. Treatment frequency<1 session per day, treatment duration<30 min/session and treatment duration>28 days were the main treatment characteristics. Control measures can be categorized into four types: Chinese medical treatment, western medical treatment,music therapy and blank control, with western medical treatment being used most frequently(446 times). Totally 314 articles (63.95%)reported specific varicosities, of which the Jue tone was the highest, for a total of 108 times. Music therapy involved a total of 66 conditions, which were distributed among 17 disease systems, and the top three most frequent appropriate disease systems were mental and behavioral disorders(112 articles), neurological disorders (76 articles), and oncological disorders(71 articles). [Conclusion] The fivetone therapy has a wide range of indications and great potential for clinical application, but there is still a need to establish standardized standards in terms of treatment time, course of treatment, and other technical aspects. In the future, it is still necessary to design and implement more scientific experimental plans to promote the rational application and promotion of five-tone therapy.
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