HE Ruoping’s Experience in Treating Uterine Myoma with Liuwei Dihuang Pills
中文关键词: 子宫肌瘤术后  六味地黄丸  瘀血  破血消癥  益肾舒肝  辨证论治  名医经验  何若苹
英文关键词: postoperative uterine fibroids  Liuwei Dihuang Pills  stasis  activate blood to remove mass  notify the kidney and stretch the liver  syndrome differentiation and treatment  experience of famous physician  HE Ruoping
基金项目:何若苹全国老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教发〔2016〕42 号);浙江中医药管理局项目(2020ZB134)
陈旖雯 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
赖芊 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
邓泽欣 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
俞蒙洁 浙江中医药大学第三临床医学院 杭州 310053 
何若苹 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 
摘要点击次数: 442
全文下载次数: 411
      [目的] 总结何若苹教授运用六味地黄丸治疗子宫肌瘤术后的临床经验。[方法] 简要探讨六味地黄丸的方义,通过跟师抄方学习、整理医案及临床观察等方式,总结何若苹教授对子宫肌瘤及子宫肌瘤术后患者的病因病机、治则治法的认识,并举验案加以佐证。[结果] 何若苹教授认为子宫肌瘤是由于肝、肾、脾脏腑功能失调,气血失常,正虚邪实,瘀血积聚于胞宫而产生的一种疾病,而该病术后的患者正气虚弱,疾病易于复发,临证以六味地黄丸补养肾之阴精为主,治以滋阴益肾、舒肝理气、破血消癥,并重视情志因素。所举验案,辨为肝肾亏虚证,治以益肾舒肝,以六味地黄丸加减治疗,取得较好疗效。[结论] 何若苹教授根据子宫肌瘤术后患者的特点,运用六味地黄丸辨证论治,为中西医结合治疗此病提供了参考,具有一定的临床推广价值。
      [Objective] To introduce Professor HE Ruofeng’s clinical experience of treating uterine myoma with Liuwei Dihuang Pills.[Methods] Briefly discussing the meaning of Liuwei Dihuang Pills, summarizing Professor HE’s understanding of the pathogenesis and treatment principles of uterine myoma and postoperative patients through learning from the master, compiling medical cases and clinical observation, and presenting case reports to support the conclusion. [Results] Professor HE believes that uterine myoma is a disease caused by dysfunction of the liver, kidney, spleen, abnormal Qi and blood, and deficiency of the body’s resistance, with blood stasis accumulated in the uterus. Postoperative patients are weakened by surgery, and are prone to recurrence. Liuwei Dihuang Pills are used as the main treatment, aiming to nourish the kidneys and adrenals, regulate the liver and spleen, and break down blood and tumors.Emphasis is also placed on the psychological factors. The case report showed that Professor HE diagnosed the patient with liver and kidney deficiency and treated her with Liuwei Dihuang Pills modification, achieving good results. [Conclusion] Professor HE’s use of Liuwei Dihuang Pills for postoperative uterine myoma patients provides a reference for the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine,and has clinical value.
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