Treatment of Allergic Contact Dermatitis Based on the Theory of“ Fuqi”
中文关键词: 过敏性皮炎  漆疮  复气  制复润燥消红方  五行胜复  医案  《黄帝内经》  皮肤病
英文关键词: allergic contact dermatitis  lacquer sore  Fuqi  Zhifu Runzao Xiaohong Decoction  five elements over-restriction and counterrestriction  medical record  Inner Canon of Huangdi  dermatosis
基金项目:首都临床特色诊疗技术研究及转化应用项目(Z221100007422126);2021 年中医药古籍文献和特色技术传承项目(GZY-KJS-2021-028);首都卫生发展科研专项项目(2020-2-4172)
李亚琴 中国中医科学院西苑医院 北京 100091 
汪津禾 中国中医科学院西苑医院 北京 100091 
李雅宁 山西中医药大学 
郎婧 中国中医科学院西苑医院 北京 100091 
吴思琪 中国中医科学院西苑医院 北京 100091 
屈欢欢 中国中医科学院西苑医院 北京 100091 
郎娜 中国中医科学院西苑医院 北京 100091 
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      [目的] 基于“复气”理论探讨过敏性皮炎病机及治法。[方法] 查阅古籍及文献,论述“复气”理论内涵,结合过敏性皮炎发病特点,从“复气”理论深入分析过敏性皮炎病机与治法,并附病案佐证之。[结果] 过敏性皮炎属中医学中“漆疮“”桃花癣”等范畴,常于春、秋季节加重或发病,并易复发。“复气”是自然界中五行之间保持阴阳平衡的一种方式,也是一种人体调节五行平衡的机制。受《素问·气交变大论》“复气”理论的启发,结合过敏性皮炎临床特点及春、秋季节气候特点探讨其病机及治疗方法,认为其核心病机为“脾土不及,易感外邪;肝风助发,来势急骤;金气来复,燥热相兼”,并提出“培土疏肝,清金润燥”的治疗原则。基于此及大量临床实践,自拟制复润燥消红方并收效甚好。文中病案,辨为脾虚肝旺证,治以健脾疏肝、润燥消红,方拟制复润燥消红方,随证加减,疗效显著。[结论] 基于“复气”理论论治过敏性皮炎,本质在于调节五行之间的平衡,制复润燥消红方临床应用疗效确切并可防其复发,为过敏性皮炎提供了一种有所裨益的辨治新思路。
      [Objective] To explore the pathogenesis and treatment of allergic dermatitis based on the theory of“ Fuqi”. [Methods] Consulting ancient Chinese medicine books and literature to discuss the theoretical connotation of“ Fuqi ”. Combining the characteristics of allergic dermatitis with the theory of“ Fuqi” to analyze the pathogenesis and treatment of allergic dermatitis, and prove it with one medical record.[Results] Allergic contact dermatitis belongs to the category of“ lacquer sore” and“ peach blossom ringworm” in traditional Chinese medicine. It often aggravates or develops in spring and autumn, and is easy to relapse.“ Fuqi” refers to a way to maintain the balance of Yin and Yang among the five elements in nature, and is also a mechanism for the human body to regulate the balance of the five elements.Inspired by the theory of “Fuqi”, combined with the clinical characteristics of allergic contact dermatitis, the treatment method is discussed. It is considered that the core pathogenesis of the disease is“ earth is not enough, wood is partial, and the metal is coming back”.And it puts forward the treatment principle of“ reinforcing earth and soothing liver, clearing themetal and moistening dryness”. Based on this and a large number of clinical practices, the Zhifu Runzao Xiaohong Decoction has achieved good results. In this paper, the medical record was identified as spleen deficiency and liver hyperactivity syndrome. The treatment was to reinforce earth and soothe liver, clear themetal and moister dryness, and the prescription was Zhifu Runzao Xiaohong Decoction. With the addition and subtraction of the syndrome, the effect was remarkable. [Conclusion] The essence of treating allergic dermatitis based on the theory of “ Fuqi” is to regulate the balance among the five elements. The clinical application of Zhifu Runzao Xiaohong Decoction is effective and can prevent its recurrence. Treating allergic dermatitis based on the theory of “ Fuqi ” provides a new idea for the differentiation and treatment of allergic dermatitis.
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