Professor BA Yuanming’s Experience in the Treatment of Simple Renal Cyst Based on the Theory of the Deficient Kidney and the Gathering of Blood Stasis and Accumulation
中文关键词: 单纯性肾囊肿  金枯二仙地黄汤  巴元明  肾虚不满  瘀积内实  医案  名医经验
英文关键词: simple renal cyst  Jinku Erxian Dihuang Decoction  BA Yuanming  deficient kidney  gathering of blood stasis and accumulation  medical case  famous doctor experience
胡鑫宇 湖北中医药大学 武汉 430065 
巴元明 湖北中医药大学附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 423
全文下载次数: 285
      [目的] 探讨巴元明教授基于“肾虚不满,瘀积内实”理论,运用金枯二仙地黄汤治疗单纯性肾囊肿(simple renal cyst,SRC)经验。[方法] 通过临床跟师学习,收集总结门诊SRC患者的病历资料,总结探讨巴教授基于“肾虚不满,瘀积内实”理论结合脏腑辨证治疗SRC的学术思想及临床经验,并列举验案加以佐证。[结果] 巴元明教授认为,SRC的病因病机主要为肾虚不满、瘀积内实,治疗宜消积化瘀、补肾护元。临床善用自拟金枯二仙地黄汤加减治疗,即知柏地黄丸合水陆二仙丹加夏枯草、鸡内金。所附的SRC验案辨证为气阴两虚、瘀积蕴结,治以滋阴益肾、化湿消积之法,方选金枯二仙地黄汤随证加减,取得较好疗效。[结论] 巴教授基于“肾虚不满,瘀积内实”理论治疗SRC疗效显著,为临床SRC的诊疗提供了新思路。
      [Objective] To investigate Professor BA Yuanming’s experience in the treatment of simple renal cyst(SRC) based on the theory of the deficient kidney and the gathering of blood stasis and accumulation, Combining with orgams syndrome differentiation. [Methods] Through clinical shadowing and the collection of medical records of outpatients with SRC, Professor BA’s academic thinking and clinical experience in the treatment of SRC based on the theory of the deficient kidney and the gathering of blood stasis and accumulation were summarized and discussed, and a case was attached to prove it. [Results] Professor BA believes that the main etiology and pathogenesis of this disease are owing to the deficient kidney and the gathering of blood stasis and accumulation. Treatment should focus on eliminating accumulation and removing stasis, tonifying the kidney and protecting the essence. Clinically, the self-formulated Jinku Erxian Dihuang Decoction can be effectively used for treatment, which includes the combination of Zhibai Dihuang Decoction and Shuilu Erxian Pellet, added with Prunella vulgaris and chicken nugget. The attached SRC case showed the deficiency of Qi and Yin, with blood stasis, treated with the method of nourishing Yin and kidney, and reducing the accumulation and eliminating dampness, administered with Jinku Erxian Dihuang Decoction tailored according to the syndromes, and achieved good curative effect. [Conclusion] Professor BA’s treatment of SRC is based on the theory of the deficient kidney and the gathering of blood stasis and accumulation and is highly effective, which provides new ideas for the clinical treatment of SRC.
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