郭沁,杨泽,裘宗华,等.夏永良运用大柴胡汤加减验案举隅[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(11):1410-1413. |
夏永良运用大柴胡汤加减验案举隅 |
Analysis of XIA Yongliang’s Cases in Using Modified Dachaihu Decoction |
DOI:10.16466/j.issn1005-5509.2024.11.012 |
中文关键词: 大柴胡汤 发热 肺胀 胃痞 胁痛 气郁邪阻 医案 名医经验 |
英文关键词: Dachaihu Decoction fever lung-distension gastric distension hypochondriac pain Qi stagnation and excess pathogens blocking medical cases famous doctor’s experience |
基金项目:陈意全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(国中医药人教发〔2011〕41号);浙江省陈意国医名师传承工作室建设项目(浙中医药〔2020〕12号) |
摘要点击次数: 756 |
全文下载次数: 608 |
中文摘要: |
[目的] 总结夏永良运用大柴胡汤加减的临证经验。[方法] 通过跟诊学习,整理夏师的典型医案,选取发热、肺胀、胃痞、胁痛等4则验案,结合经典古籍中的相关论述,从疾病病机、主症、治法等方面,总结夏师运用大柴胡汤的辨治特点与选用经验。[结果] 夏师临证运用大柴胡汤时,谨遵气机阻滞、实邪内阻的病机,多以情志欠佳、大便干结或不畅等为主症,加减化裁后可清热通利、行气导滞以解积滞发热,理气滞、泄浊瘀而除胸中郁闭之肺胀,疏肝理气、调和脾胃以消中焦痞满,疏机泻火、通利胆腑、引邪下行而止胁痛,充分体现出“异病同治”的特点。[结论] 夏师运用大柴胡汤时以“气滞”与“邪阻”为病机要点,加减化裁后可清热邪、调气血、畅中焦、通胆腑,临床辨治疾病丰富,疗效明显。 |
英文摘要: |
[Objective] To summarize the clinical experience of Professor XIA Yongliang in using modified Dachaihu Decoction. [Methods] Through following Professor XIA’s outpatient service,sorting typical medical records of fever,lung-distension,gastric distension and hypochondriac pain,combined with interrelated discussions in classics,from the pathogenesis,main syndrome and therapeutic method of the diseases,it summarizes the syndrome and application characteristics of Professor XIA’s experience in using Dachaihu Decoction. [Results] In the clinical application of Professor XIA in using Dachaihu Decoction, following the pathogenesis of Qi stagnation and excess pathogens blocking, the main symptoms of this syndrome are emotional disorder, dry or obstruction stool and so on. Modified Dachaihu Decoction can relieve heat accumulation, by clearing heat and relaxing bowels, activating Qi and purging turbidity;modified Dachaihu Decoction can cure the lung-distension’s chest tightness,by regulating Qi-flowing,dispelling turbid pathogen and removing blood stasis;modified Dachaihu Decoction can eliminate gastric distension of middle-Jiao, by smoothing the liver and regulating Qi, regulating the spleen and stomach;modified Dachaihu Decoction can treat hypochondriac pain, by regulating Qi and purging fire,dredging gallbladder and bringing evil downward. Professor XIA’s four using Dachaihu Decoction cases fully show the characteristic of “treating different diseases with the same method” in traditional Chinese medicine. [Conclusion] Professor XIA seizes the key point of “Qi stagnation” and “excess pathogens blocking”, using modified Dachaihu Decoction to dissolve stagnant heat,harmonize Qi and blood,regulate middle-Jiao and clear the gallbladder. The kinds of disease are diverse, with a remarkable efficacy. |
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