Experience of Professor LIN Shangzhu in Treating Chronic Atrophic Gastritis from Deficiency, Stagnation, Phlegm and Blood Stasis
中文关键词: 慢性萎缩性胃炎  虚郁痰瘀  气虚络瘀证  清热解毒  六君子汤  医案  林上助  名医经验
英文关键词: chronic atrophic gastritis  deficiency, stagnation, phlegm and blood stasis  Qi deficiency and collateral stasis syndrome  heat-clearing and detoxifying  Liujunzi Decoction  medical record  LIN Shangzhu  experience of famous doctor
叶海潇 浙江中医药大学附属温州市中医院 浙江温州 325000 
何璠 浙江中医药大学附属温州市中医院 浙江温州 325000 
陈志坚 浙江中医药大学附属温州市中医院 浙江温州 325000 
林志豪 浙江中医药大学附属温州市中医院 浙江温州 325000 
蒋越 温州医科大学附属第一医院 
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      [目的] 探讨林上助教授治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的临证经验。[方法] 通过跟师临诊,分析相关医案,从病因病机、治疗特色、治法方药方面归纳总结林上助教授治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床经验,并附医案一则加以佐证。[结果] 林上助教授认为慢性萎缩性胃炎的病机不离本虚标实,以脾胃正虚为根本,气机郁滞、痰湿壅滞、血脉瘀阻、热毒余邪为标,提出“气虚络瘀证”是慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床常见证型。治疗上需以益气健脾为主,并辅以活血化瘀之品,兼顾温阳、滋阴、理气、祛湿等法,并适量加用清热解毒之品。所举验案中患者脾气亏虚,气机阻滞,结合患者症状、舌脉及辨证施治,方用六君子汤加减,治以益气健脾、活血化瘀、化痰降逆、化湿开胃,兼清余热,标本同治,疗效确切。[结论] 林上助教授以虚郁痰瘀论治慢性萎缩性胃炎,对中医药防治该病具有一定的借鉴意义。
      [Objective] To discuss Professor LIN Shangzhu’s experience in treating chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG). [Methods] Through clinical follow-up learning, analyzing related medical cases and summarizing Professor LIN Shangzhu’s clinical experience in treating CAG from the aspects of etiology and pathogenesis, treatment characteristics, and therapeutic methods and prescriptions, with a medical case for substantiating it. [Results] Professor LIN Shangzhu thought that the pathogenesis of CAG was related to deficient root and excessive superficial. It was based on spleen and stomach of asthenia of healthy energy, and Qi stagnation, phlegm dampness stagnation, blood stasis and residual heat toxin are the temporary solutions. He proposed that “Qi deficiency and collateral stasis syndrome” was a common clinical syndrome of CAG. The treatment should be based on invigorating the spleen and replenishing Qi, supplemented by products for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, taking into account the methods of warming Yang, nourishing Yin, regulating Qi and dispelling dampness. In the medical record, the patient was of deficiency of spleen Qi and functional activities of Qi would be obstructed. Combining with symptoms, tongue, pulse and applying syndrome differentiation and treatment, the case was treated with modified Liujunzi Decoction to invigorate the spleen and replenish Qi, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, eliminate phlegm and descend inverse, dissipate dampness and promote appetite, clear residual heat toxin in order to tackle both symptoms and root causes for the exact clinical effect. [Conclusion] Professor LIN Shangzhu treats CAG from deficiency, stagnation, phlegm and blood stasis, it has certain reference significance in the prevention and treatment of the disease with traditional Chinese medicine.
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