Correct the Error of “Warm Disease in Summer of Hand Taiyang” about Qingluo Drink in Wenbing Tiaobian·Summer Heat in Upper-Jiao
中文关键词: 手太阴暑温  手太阳暑温  《温病条辨》  吴鞠通  清络饮  人民卫生出版社  讹误  文本
英文关键词: warm disease in summer of Hand Taiyin  warm disease in summer of Hand Taiyang  Wenbing Tiaobian(Analysis of Warm Diseases)  WU Jutong  Qingluo Drink  People’s Medical Publishing House  error  text
顾元烨 上海中医药大学 上海 201203
夏天 北京中医药大学 
孙灵芝 北京中医药大学 
摘要点击次数: 352
全文下载次数: 338
      [目的] 对《温病条辨·上焦篇·暑温》清络饮第27条“手太阴暑温”讹为“手太阳暑温”的流传脉络进行梳理和刊谬。[方法] 通过文献检索方法,检索中国知网、读秀数据库中存在相关讹误的论文及论著,并通过爱如生中国基本古籍库V8.0版及北京中医药大学图书馆古籍暨民国线装书数字化平台,与《温病条辨》清嘉庆十八年(1813)问心堂初刊本进行文本比较。[结果] 在上述数据库中,共发现8本论著、1篇学位论文将“手太阴暑温”讹为“手太阳暑温”。其中论著大多声明底本为清嘉庆十八年(1813)问心堂初刊本,但底本本身并未出现讹误。“手太阳暑温”讹误最早出现在1994年,2005年人民卫生出版社出版的《温病条辨》对讹误起到了纵向和横向传播作用,同出版社的多本论著继承了2005版《温病条辨》的10处讹误。[结论] 《温病条辨》清络饮第27条“手太阴暑温”讹为“手太阳暑温”最初可能由编校人员疏漏笔误所致,其后在人民卫生出版社相关论著中传播可能与再版时复用社内文稿资产相关,提示出版社在再版古籍时应认真审校精益求精,避免以讹传讹。
      [Objective] To sort out and correct the error of the 27th prescription “Warm disease in summer of Hand Taiyin” about Qingluo Drink in Wenbing Tiaobian·Summer Heat in Upper-Jiao(Analysis of Warm Diseases). The “Hand Taiyin” is mistakenly spread as “Hand Taiyang”. [Methods] By using literature retrieval methods, relevant erroneous papers and works in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Duxiu databases were retrieved. Textual comparisons were made with the initial edition of Wenbing Tiaobian in the digital platform of Airusheng Chinese Basic Classics Library V8.0 and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Library’s ancient books and Republican-era thread-bound book digitization platform. [Results] In the above-mentioned database, a total of 8 books and 1 dissertation mistakenly referred to “Hand Taiyin” to “Hand Taiyang”. Most of these publications claim that their source is the first edition of Wenxin Tang in the 18th year of Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty (1813), but there is no error in the original text. This error first appeared in 1994. The publication of Wenbing Tiaobian by People’s Medical Publishing House in 2005 played a role in the vertical and horizontal dissemination of this error. Many other publications from the same publishing house inherited the 10 errors from the 2005 edition of Wenbing Tiaobian. [Conclusion] The error of the 27th prescription “Warm disease in summer of Hand Taiyin” about Qingluo Drink in Wenbing Tiaobian·Summer Heat in Upper-Jiao(Analysis of Warm Diseases) may have been caused by omission and typo of the editing staff initially. Later, it spread in relevant publications of People’s Medical Publishing House, possibly due to the reuse of internal documents during reprinting, resulting in the inheritance of historical errors. This serves as a reminder that when reprinting ancient books, publishing houses should carefully review and strive for excellence to avoid perpetuating errors.
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