王素丽,虞念成,李超轶,等.香佩疗法源流与当代浙派中医儿科香佩疗法应用特色[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(12):1538-1541, 1549.
The Origin and Flow of Sachet Therapy and the Application Characteristics of Pediatric Sachet Therapy in Contemporary Zhejiang School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中文关键词: 香佩疗法  历史源流  浙派中医  儿科  应用特色  因地制宜  因时制宜  因病施药
英文关键词: Sachet therapy  historical origin  Zhejiang school of traditional Chinese medicine  pediatrics  application characteristics  adapting to local conditions  suiting measures according to the time  applying medicine according to the disease
王素丽 浙江中医药大学附属第二医院 杭州 310005 
虞念成 浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院 
李超轶 临平区中西医结合医院 
陈华 浙江中医药大学 
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      [目的] 梳理香佩疗法源流,总结当代浙派中医儿科香佩疗法应用特色。[方法] 运用史料考证、书籍研读、文献分析、问卷调查等方法,追溯香佩疗法的起源和发展过程,并分析当代浙派中医儿科医家运用香佩疗法的特色。[结果] 香佩疗法滥觞于先秦,在唐宋元时期得以迅速完善和发展,至明清达到鼎盛时期。浙江地处东南沿海,气候湿润,且人们喜好湿地行走和水浴,易被外湿侵袭,故历代浙派医家重视应用芳香药物醒脾化湿。南宋定都临安后,香佩疗法广泛应用于宫廷和民间,传承至今。当代浙派中医儿科医家继承先贤经验,跟随时代变化,充分融合浙江地域特色、体质特征和人文情怀,形成了因地制宜、因时制宜、因病施药的临床应用特色。[结论] 香佩疗法源远流长,当代浙派中医儿科医家在长期临床应用中形成了因地制宜、因时制法、因病施药的“三因”特色。
      [Objective] To comb the origin and flow of the Sachet therapy,chasing the past and thinking of the present,summarize the application characteristics in contemporary Zhejiang school of TCM pediatric fragrance therapy. [Methods] Using the methods of textual research of historical materials, study ancient books, literature analysis and questionnaire survey, trace the origin and development of Sachet therapy, analyze the characteristics of contemporary Zhejiang school of TCM pediatricians using Sachet therapy. [Results] Sachet therapy originated in pre-Qin, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties was rapidly improved and developed, and reached its peak in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Zhejiang is located in the southeast coast, the climate is humid, and people like wetland walking and water bath, easy to be invaded by external dampness, so the successive Zhejiang school doctors attach importance to the application of aromatic drugs to wake up the spleen and relieve dampness. After Lin ’an, the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty, Sachet therapy was widely used in court and folk, and had been passed down to the present.The contemporary TCM pediatricians of Zhejiang school inherited the experience of their ancestors, followed the changes of the times, fully integrated the regional characteristics, physical characteristics and humanistic feelings of Zhejiang, and formed the clinical application characteristics of adapting to local conditions, suiting measures according to the time and applying medicine according to the disease. [Conclusion] Sachet therapy has a long history, and contemporary Zhejiang school of TCM pediatricians have formed the characteristics of “three basis” in the long-term clinical application: adapting to local conditions, suiting measures according to the time and applying medicine according to the disease.
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