Explore the Medication Pattern of Cough after Novel Coronavirus Infection Based on Data Mining
中文关键词: 咳嗽  新型冠状病毒  数据挖掘  临床医案  急性期  迁延期  总体治则  用药规律
英文关键词: cough  COVID-19 infection  medical records  clinical medical reports  acute phase  relocation delay  general governance  medicatian pattern
闫丽娜 安徽中医药大学 合肥 230012 
陈玉状 安徽中医药大学 合肥 230012 
郭锦晨 新安医学教育部重点实验室 
张红梅 安徽中医药大学 合肥 230012 
摘要点击次数: 153
全文下载次数: 218
      [目的] 基于临床病例数据挖掘治疗新型冠状病毒感染后咳嗽的用药规律。[方法] 收集2023年1月至2月安徽中医药大学门诊部多位中医专家治疗新型冠状病毒感染后咳嗽临床医案,使用Excel 2019、SPSS Statistics 25.0和SPSS Clementine 12.0软件建立数据库,采用频次分析、聚类分析、关联规则分析等方法,挖掘治疗此类咳嗽的用药规律。[结果] 符合纳入标准的病例共90例,涉及药物162味,用药总频次2 028次;使用频次在30次及以上的高频药物19味,主要为清热、化痰止咳、解表药;聚类分析得到高频药物组合7对,分别为瓜蒌皮、炙麻黄、苦杏仁;前胡、白前、款冬花;黄芩、桔梗;鱼腥草、胆南星;钩藤、蝉蜕;五味子、诃子;白花蛇舌草、金荞麦、桃仁。挖掘二项关联20项,结果显示黄芩和桔梗关联度最高,三项关联29项,结果显示黄芩关联项最多,黄芩与炙麻黄、瓜蒌皮关联性最强。[结论] 对于新型冠状病毒感染后咳嗽,总体治则是从痰论治,给邪以出路;抓主症,化裁活用经方;急性期,宣展肺气清热解毒;迁延期止咳时,慎防闭门留寇。
      [Objective] To treat cough after novel coronavirus infection based on clinical cases data mining. [Methods] Collect the clinical cases of cough treated in the Outpatient Department of Anhui University of Chinese Medicine from January to February 2023. Excel 2019, SPSS Statistics 25.0 and SPSS Clementine 12.0 software were used to establish databases, and the frequency analysis, cluster analysis and association rule analysis were used to explore the medication rules for the treatment of such cough. [Results] A total of 90 cases that met the inclusion criteria, involved the drug 162 flavors, Total frequency of medication was 2 028 times, with a frequency of 30 times or more, mainly for clearing heat, phlegm cough, surface-clearing medicine; Cluster analysis yielded seven pairs of high-frequency drug combinations, trichosanthis skin, ephedra, bitter almond; Peucedanum root, Cynanchum glaucescens, the winter flower; Scutellaria baicalensis, platycodon grandiflorum; Houttuynia of houttuynia, arisaema with bile; Uncaria, cicada slough; Schisandra chinensis, hihiko; Scleromitrion diffusum, golden buckwheat, peach kernel; it mined 20 binomial associations. The results showed the highest correlation between baicalensis and platgrandiflorum,29 items of three associations The results showed that baicalensis had the most associated terms, baicalensis was most associated with hot ephedra and trichosanthis skin. [Conclusion] In the treatment of cough after novel coronavirus infection, it should usually clear heat and detoxify phlegm, treat from phlegm, combine classic medicine and use cough medicine with caution.
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