林正,潘思懿,吴炫,等.中药外治治疗慢性手部湿疹古方探析[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(12):1550-1556. |
中药外治治疗慢性手部湿疹古方探析 |
Analysis of Traditional Chinese Ancient Prescriptions for External Treatment of Chronic Hand Eczema |
DOI:10.16466/j.issn1005-5509.2024.12.012 |
中文关键词: 慢性手部湿疹 外治 中药 古方 《外科正宗》 《医宗金鉴》 《太平惠民和剂局方》 《外科全生集》 |
英文关键词: chronic hand eczema external treatment traditional Chinese medicine ancient prescriptions Orthodox Manual of External Diseases The Golden Mirror of Medicine Prescriptions of the Bureau of Taiping People’s Welfare Pharmacy Life-saving Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of External Diseases |
基金项目:浙江省中医院曹毅名中医工作室项目(GZS2020022);2023年度研究生拔尖创新人才培养资助项目(721100G00736);杭州市农业与社会发展科研项目(20220919Y015);国家中医药管理局科技司-浙江省中医药管理局共建科技计划项目(GZY-ZJ-KJ-23088) |
摘要点击次数: 152 |
全文下载次数: 203 |
中文摘要: |
[目的] 总结手部皮肤之生理,归纳治疗慢性手部湿疹的外治古方,探讨各方所适之病机、针对之症状、剂型之活用、药物之配伍。[方法] 查阅《黄帝内经》《外科正宗》《医宗金鉴》《外科全生集》等经典书籍,结合现代药理学研究,系统归纳手部皮肤的生理、慢性手部湿疹的病机以及外治古方的“理、法、剂、药、用”。[结果] 手部皮肤与诸脏腑经络关系紧密,尤其与心、脾、肺、肾四脏关系密切,又为十二经阴阳转换之地,故起病时往往病机复杂,如血气凝滞、湿蕴生虫、风血皆燥、太少湿热、燥湿互结,皆可致慢性手部湿疹之病。外治方中汤剂有长于清热燥湿之二矾汤,主以杀虫祛湿之苦参汤;散剂有擅于清润相合之玉肌散,长于攻毒化瘀之如圣散;膏剂则主以养血润肤之润肌膏,擅长滋攻并用之三油膏,用于攻毒燥湿之藜芦膏,主取去瘀生新之红油膏;丸剂有同擅于攻毒润肤之绣球丸、诸疮一扫光。古方改进可从探究机制、改良剂型、增减药方等方面入手。 [结论] 中药古方剂型各异,功效广博,配伍规整,以“滋、化、燥”三法治疗慢性手部湿疹。研究古方对慢性手部湿疹的临床治疗和研究具有指导价值,对剂型的改进也有一定的启迪作用。 |
英文摘要: |
[Objective] To summarize the physiology of hand skin, summarize the ancient external treatment of chronic hand eczema as an indication, and discuss the pathogenesis, symptoms, use of dosage forms and drug compatibility of each party, so as to lay a foundation for future clinical research. [Methods] Through the literature review of Huangdi’s Inner Classic, Orthodox Manual of External Diseases, The Golden Mirror of Medicine, Life-saving Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of External Diseases and other traditional Chinese medicine books, combined with modern pharmacology, it systematically summarized the physiology of hand skin, the pathogenesis of chronic hand eczema and the “principle, method, prescription, medicine and application” of external treatment of ancient prescriptions. [Results] The skin of the hand is closely related to the viscera and meridians, especially the four viscera of the heart, spleen, lung and kidney, and is also the place where Yin and Yang of the twelve channels change. Therefore, the pathogenesis is often complex when the disease, such as blood stagnation, wet insects, wind and blood dryness, damp heat in Taiyin and Shaoyang, dry and wet interjunction, can cause chronic hand eczema disease. This article summarizes the treatment of the external prescription includes Decoction, such as Erfan Decoction clearing heat and drying dampness, Kushen Decoction killing insects and removing dampness; Powder such as Yuji Powder good at clearing and moisting, Rusheng Powder attacking poison and removing blood stasis; Ointment such as Runji Ointment nourishing blood and skin, Sanyou Ointment nourishing and allacking poison, Lilu Ointment attacking poison and drying dampness, Hongyou Ointment removing stasis and producing new; Pill such as Xiuqiu Pill and Zhuchuang Yisaoguang attacking poison and moisturizing skin. This article also puts forward several directions for the improvement of ancient prescriptions, including exploring the mechanism, improving the dosage form, increasing or decreasing the prescription, etc. [Conclusion] Traditional Chinese ancient prescriptions have different dosage forms, wide efficacy, regular compatibility, revealed the treatment of chronic hand eczema “moistening, activating blood, drying dampness” three methods. Studying traditional Chinese ancient prescriptions has guiding value for the clinical treatment and research of chronic hand eczema, and also has a certain enlightening effect on the innovation of dosage forms. |
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