Expore the Research Hotspot and Trend of Lonicera japonica Thunb.Extract Based on Animal Experiment
中文关键词: 中医药  金银花提取物  动物实验  研究热点  可视化分析  抗炎作用  CiteSpace
英文关键词: traditional Chinese medicine  Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract  animal experiment  research hotspots  visual analysis  anti-inflammatory effect  CiteSpace
吴逸菲 天津中医药大学 天津 301617 
季昭臣 天津中医药大学 天津 301617
胡海殷 现代中医药海河实验室 
赵宏杰 天津中医药大学 天津 301617 
摘要点击次数: 132
全文下载次数: 162
      [目的] 分析金银花提取物动物实验研究的现状、研究特点、热点趋势,为金银花提取物相关动物实验研究提供热点透视和未来药物研发建议。[方法] 检索中国知网、维普、万方等中文数据库,以及Web of Science、PubMed、Embase和SinoMed等英文数据库中有关金银花提取物相关动物实验的文献,检索时间为建库至2024年3月。利用CiteSpace与VOSviewer软件对纳入文献进行证据可视化分析,包括发文趋势、作者及机构合作情况、
      [Objective] To analyze the current situation, research characteristics and hot trends of animal experimental research on Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract, and to provide hot perspective and suggestions for future drug research and development for animal experimental research on Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract. [Methods] China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), VIP, WanFang Data, Web of Science, PubMed, Embase and SinoMed databases were searched for animal experiments related to Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract from inception to March 2024. CiteSpace and VOSviewer software were used to analyze the evidence visualization of the included literature, including the trend of publication, the cooperation of authors and institutions, keyword clustering, co-occurrence and burst word analysis, and the visualization map was drawn. [Results] A total of 1 062 papers were included, and the number of published papers showed an overall upward trend, with the largest number of papers published in 2022, with a total of 139 papers, among which the author with the largest number of published studies was LI Haiqi. The research institutions mainly included traditional Chinese medicine universities and research institutes. It was found that the animal experimental research of Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract mainly focused on pharmacological effects and mechanism of action, the overall trend of current animal experimental research was to use molecular docking technology to establish a relationship with the outcome indicators of animal experiments. At present, the research hotspots are mainly liver protection and anti-inflammatory effects. [Conclusion] Animal experimental research on Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract should focus on drug efficacy, strengthen cross regional communication and cooperation between individuals and teams, and use data mining methods to deeply analyze the mechanism and laws of action of Lonicera japonica Thunb. extract.
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