徐凤凯,陈晓,金珏,等.《肘后备急方》茱萸丸证治探析[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2025,49(1):18-21. |
《肘后备急方》茱萸丸证治探析 |
Discussion on the Therapeutic Characteristics of the Zhuyu Pill in the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency |
DOI:10.16466/j.issn1005-5509.2025.01.003 |
中文关键词: 《肘后备急方》 《脉经》 《金匮要略》 茱萸丸 胸痹心痛病 太阴经病 吴茱萸汤 理中汤 |
英文关键词: Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency Pulse Classic Synopsis of Prescriptions from the Golden Chamber Zhuyu pill chest impediment and heart pain Taiyin syndrome Wuzhuyu decoction Lizhong decoction |
基金项目:2024年度“尖兵”“领雁”攻关计划(2024C03192);2023年度教育部人文社科青年项目(23YJCZH093) |
摘要点击次数: 16 |
全文下载次数: 9 |
中文摘要: |
[目的] 探析《肘后备急方》茱萸丸的证治特点。[方法] 采用精究病源、深探方论、解析药说的方法并结合《脉经》《外台秘要方》《圣济总录》等相关原文,试对《肘后备急方》茱萸丸的方药剂量、相关条文、病证病机、方药解说、证治机联等五个方面进行探析,并举验案以作示例。[结果] 《肘后备急方》茱萸丸主治胸痹心痛病、太阴经病,有温胃健脾、散寒止痛、降逆化痰、养血消食之功,以心痛咽酸、饮食不消、色黄腹胀、体重节痛、寸口脉迟或虚等为辨证要点。所举验案辨证属胸痹心痛病、痰饮水气病,以茱萸丸加减治疗,疗效显著。[结论] 《肘后备急方》茱萸丸可疗胸痹心痛病、太阴经病,可消内外痰饮凝结痹阻之态,以复气血津液生成输布之常。 |
英文摘要: |
[Objective] To analyze the therapeutic characteristics of Zhuyu pill in the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency. [Methods] This article used the methods of in-depth investigation for the origin of diseases, through discussion of prescriptions, analysis of their compositions and clinical practice. It analyzed five aspects of the Zhuyu pill in Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency including formulation identification, compilation and supplementation of texts, pathogenesis of diseases and syndromes, explanation of ingredients, and the correlation between syndrome identification and treatment strategies, with case studies provided as example. [Results] The Zhuyu pill in the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency possesses the functions of warming the kidneys and invigorating the spleen, dissipating cold and relieving pain, descending counter-flow of Qi and resolving phlegm, nourishing blood and promoting digestion. This formula is effective in treating diseases such as chest impediment, heart pain, as well as Taiyin syndrome, and others. Clinically, it is primarily indicated for conditions characterized by symptoms like heart pain, sour taste in mouth, indigestion, yellowish complexion, abdominal distension, and a slow or feeble pulse. The case reported involved diagnoses of chest impediment, heart pain and phlegm-fluid retention, all showing remarkable efficacy with Zhuyu pill and its modifications. [Conclusion] The Zhuyu pill in the Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency can effect in treating chest impediment, heart pain, Taiyin syndrome, as well as internal and external phlegm retention and obstruction, thus restoring the normal circulation of Qi, blood and fluids. |
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