Appreciation and Analysis of Professor LIAN Jianwei’s Experience in Treating “Post-epidemic Diseases” with the Method of Flat Pulse Syndrome Differentiation
中文关键词: 疫后诸证  平脉辨证  关脉  舌脉相参  连建伟  辨治特色  医案  名医经验
英文关键词: post-epidemic diseases  flat pulse syndrome differentiation  the Guan pulse  tongue and pulse diagnosis  LIAN Jianwei  charateristics of differentiation and treatment  medical records  experience of famous doctor
汪玲羽 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 杭州 310012 
陈琳慧 杭州胡庆余堂药业有限公司 
陈明显 浙江省立同德医院 
连建伟 浙江中医药大学附属第三医院 杭州 310012 
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      [目的] 总结连建伟教授治疗“疫后诸证”的辨治特色及临证经验。[方法] 通过分析连教授治疗“疫后诸证”的病因病机和脉诊特色,总结归纳其治疗“疫后诸证”的学术经验,并列举一则疫后咳嗽验案予以分析。[结果] 连教授认为“疫后诸证”已至疫病恢复期,此期或余邪未清或体虚失养,治疗时当首辨虚实,临证以“平脉辨证”为辨治特色。认为感染疫病,首先影响的是脾胃功能,所以脉诊多从“关脉”着手,着重“关脉”之虚实。根据左右关脉的盛衰虚实特征两关相参,并结合舌诊而定处方用药。治疗上紧扣疫后诸证病机,或祛邪或扶正,均不离脉诊,用药博采众长,遵古而不泥古。所附医案以上述治疗特色贯穿全程,并取得较好疗效。[结论] 连建伟教授多以“平脉辨证”为辨证特色,根据疫后诸证的病因病机及临床特点进行辨证施治,用药师古不泥古,临床特色鲜明,治疗效果显著,值得临床借鉴和推广。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor LIAN Jianwei’s differentiation and treatment characteristics and clinical experience in treating various post-epidemic syndromes. [Methods] By analyzing the etiology, pathogenesis and treatment characteristics of Professor LIAN’s treatment of “post-epidemic syndrome”, summarize his academic experience in treating “post-epidemic syndrome” and list a post-epidemic cough case for analysis. [Results] Professor LIAN believes that the “various syndromes after the epidemic” have reached the stage of disease recovery, during which the residual pathogens may not be cleared or the body may be deficient and lack nourishment. When treating, the first step is to distinguish between deficiency and excess, and the characteristic of diagnosis and treatment is based on “flat pulse differentiation”. He believes that when infected with an epidemic, the first thing affected is the function of the spleen and stomach, so pulse diagnosis often starts with “Guan pulse” and focuses on the deficiency and excess of “Guan pulse”. Based on the correlation between the rise and fall of the left and right meridians, and combined with tongue diagnosis, prescription medication is determined. In terms of treatment, it closely follows the post-epidemic syndrome and pathogenesis, either eliminating evil or supporting the body, without relying on pulse diagnosis. It uses a wide range of drugs and learns from others’ strengths, following the past without being confused. The attached medical case featured the above treatment throughout the entire process and achieved good therapeutic effects. [Conclusion] Professor LIAN Jianwei mainly takes “flat pulse syndrome differentiation” as the characteristic of syndrome differentiation. According to the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical characteristics of the disease, he performs syndrome differentiation and treatment according to ancient times, with distinct clinical characteristics and remarkable therapeutic effect, which is worthy of clinical reference and promotion.
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