宋佳青,金莹,邬洪婷,等.高秀飞教授临证运用蛇六谷治疗乳腺癌经验[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2025,49(1):69-73, 80.
Professor GAO Xiufei’s Clinical Experience of Treating Breast Cancer with Amorphophalli Rhizoma
中文关键词: 蛇六谷  乳腺癌  血脂异常  肥胖  顾氏外科  高秀飞  名医经验  医案
英文关键词: Amorphophalli Rhizoma  breast cancer  dyslipidemia  obesity  GU’s surgery  GAO Xiufei  experience of famous doctors  medical records
宋佳青 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
金莹 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
邬洪婷 浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053 
高秀飞 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院浙江省中医院 
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      [目的] 总结高秀飞教授运用蛇六谷抗乳腺癌复发转移、兼顾改善乳腺癌患者肥胖和血脂异常的临证经验。[方法] 通过跟诊学习、整理医案,分析高师对肥胖和血脂异常的乳腺癌患者运用蛇六谷的临证经验,并佐以医案论证。[结果] 药食同源蛇六谷(魔芋)具有化痰散结、行瘀止痛功效,以散结聚之癌毒,行瘀滞之气血,从而抗乳腺癌复发转移,亦能减肥降脂。顾氏外科以痰瘀毒结为乳腺癌复发转移的基本病机,高师认为肥胖之病机多为脾失健运、痰瘀交阻,与乳腺癌异病同质。高师继承顾氏外科诊疗经验,运用益气健脾扶正加用蛇六谷抗癌毒复发,并创新应用蛇六谷配伍健脾益气药物治疗乳腺癌脾虚痰湿肥胖患者,以获异病同治。所附医案为乳岩术后气阴两虚,治以益气养阴、解毒散结,坚持服药,终获良效。[结论] 高师擅用蛇六谷抗乳腺癌、改善乳腺癌患者肥胖和血脂异常,继承创新,见解独到,其临证经验值得学习和推广。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor GAO Xiufei’s clinical experience of using Amorphophalli Rhizoma to prevent recurrence and metastasis of breast cancer, and to relieve obesity and dyslipidemia in patients with breast cancer. [Methods] By learning from the outpatient clinic and collating the medical records, Professor GAO’s clinical experience of using Amorphophalli Rhizoma on breast cancer patients with obesity and dyslipidemia was analyzed, accompanied with a medical case demonstration. [Results] Medication-food homologous Amorphophalli Rhizoma (Konjac) has the effect of dissipating phlegm,dissipating accumulation and relieving pain to dissipate the accumulation of cancer poison,Qi and blood stasis,so as to prevent breast cancer recurrence and metastasis,also reduce weight and lipids. GU’s surgery believes that the accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis and toxin is the basic pathogenesis of the recurrence and metastasis of breast cancer. Professor GAO believes that the pathogenesis of obesity is mainly spleen dysfunction,phlegm and blood stasis obstruction,which is the same as breast cancer. Inheriting GU’s surgical diagnosis and treatment experience,Professor GAO uses Amorphophalli Rhizoma to treat the recurrence of cancer toxin by supplementing Qi,invigorating the spleen and strengthening the body,and innovates the combination of Amorphophalli Rhizoma and invigorating spleen and Qi drugs to treat the patients with spleen deficiency,phlegm dampness and obesity of breast cancer,so as to achieve the same treatment of different diseases. The attached medical case was the deficiency of Qi and Yin after mastocarcinoma surgery,which was treated by nourishing Qi and Yin,detoxifying and dispersing knots,insisted on taking medicine,and finally achieved good results. [Conclusion] Professor GAO is adept at using Amorphophalli Rhizoma to treat breast cancer and relieve obesity and dyslipidemia in breast cancer patients. Professor GAO has inheriting and innovative ideas, and her clinical experience is worth learning and promoting.
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