Typical Case Analysis of the Exegesis of Jingui Yaolue Jinshi by LU Yuanlei
中文关键词: 陆渊雷  《金匮要略今释》  注释特色  中西医结合  小学  医家流派  汉方医学  用药经验
英文关键词: LU Yuanlei  Jingui Yaolue Jinshi  annotative features  integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine  Chinese traditional philology  medical schools  Kampo medicine  meditation experience
高鑫 山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院 济南 250355 
李玉清 山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院 济南 250355 
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      [目的] 探析陆渊雷《金匮要略今释》的注释特色,为《金匮要略》的研究者提供借鉴。[方法] 运用文献学研究方法,通过对《金匮要略今释》的注文进行整理分析,归纳总结本书的注释特色。[结果] 在注释过程中,陆渊雷致力于沟通中西,阐发古奥医理;结合传统训诂学,训释疑难字词;甄别《金匮要略》中兼具的“脉经家”及“别派古医家”之论,以正本清源;吸收日本医家的临证经验,开拓读者视野;介绍心得体会,总结失败教训,为后学提供借鉴。[结论] 《金匮要略今释》是一部条理明晰、考证详尽的著作。陆渊雷立足传统,融会新知,结合自己的临床经验,对《金匮要略》进行了多角度的全新解读。探析《金匮要略今释》的注释特色,对仲景学说的考证注释及中医学者临证水平的提高均大有裨益。
      [Objective] To explore the annotative features of the Jingui Yaolue Jinshi by LU Yuanlei, and provide reference for the researchers of Jingui Yaolue. [Methods] Using the bibliographic method, the annotations of Jingui Yaolue Jinshi are collated and analyzed to summarize the annotative features of the book. [Results] During the creation of this book, LU Yuanlei was committed to integrating traditional Chinese and western medicine in order to elucidate ancient medical theories, explained difficult words and phrases using the Chinese exegetics, distinguished the theories of Maijing school and other ancient medical doctors in Jingui Yaolue, and introduced Japanese doctors’ experience and his own clinical experience and failure lesson, for providing reference to scholars. [Conclusion] Jingui Yaolue Jinshi is a well-organized and thoroughly researched work. LU Yuanlei, basing his work on tradition and integrating new knowledge, sometimes combining his own clinical experiences, offers a comprehensive new interpretation of Jingui Yaolue from multiple perspectives. Exploring the annotative features of Jingui Yaolue Jinshi significantly contributes to the textual research and annotation of ZHANG Zhongjing’s theories, as well as enhancing the clinical proficiency of scholars in traditional Chinese medicine.
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