Theoretical Characteristics and Practical Value of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ethics
中文关键词: 中医伦理学  医学伦理学  中医医德  医学道德  医学实践  伦理学实践  当代中医  学科建设
英文关键词: traditional Chinese medicine ethics  medical ethics  traditional Chinese medicine morality  medical morality  medical practice  ethical practice  contemporary traditional Chinese medicine  discipline construction
崔蓓 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
李彗闻 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
王延隆 浙江中医药大学马克思主义学院 
黄爱军 浙江中医药大学 
摘要点击次数: 20
全文下载次数: 9
      [目的] 归纳中医伦理学的理论框架和特征,体现中医伦理学在现有医学伦理学知识体系中的独特价值。[方法] 通过探究中医伦理学的产生和发展,归纳中医伦理学的理论框架,从医患、医际、医社关系角度探究中医伦理学的主要特征,展现中医伦理学的当代价值和优势。[结果] 中医伦理学的伦理观点蕴含贵生尊死的生命观、兼容并包的职业观、顺势应时的教育观。相较西医伦理思想,其结合中医人文内涵,以注重互动的医患关系、尊重协作的医际关系、德法并重的医社关系,构建当代中医伦理思想体系。[结论] 中医伦理学思想丰富当代医学伦理学的实践应当建立共同参与的医患关系、合作共进的医际关系、德引术行的医社关系,对寻找中医伦理出路、构建具有中国特色的医学伦理学新体系、培养文化自信具有重大意义。
      [Objective] To summarize the theoretical framework and characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine ethics, reflecting the unique value of traditional Chinese medicine ethics within the existing knowledge system of medical ethics. [Methods] By exploring the emergence and development of traditional Chinese medicine ethics, summarizing the theoretical framework of traditional Chinese medicine ethics and exploring the main characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine ethics from the perspectives of doctor-patient, inter medical, and medical social relationships, the contemporary value and advantages of traditional Chinese medicine ethics are demonstrated. [Results] Traditional Chinese medicine ethics embodies the ethical views of valuing life and respecting death, embracing all professions, and adapting to the times through education. Compared with the ethical thinking of western medicine, it combines the humanistic connotations of traditional Chinese medicine, emphasizing interactive doctor-patient relationships, respecting collaborative doctor-doctor relationships, and emphasizing both morality and law in medical social relationships, to construct a contemporary ethical thinking system of traditional Chinese medicine. [Conclusion] The enrichment of traditional Chinese medicine ethics in contemporary medical ethics should establish a collaborative doctor-patient relationship, a collaborative doctor-doctor relationship and a medical society relationship based on moral guidance. This is of great significance for finding a way out for traditional Chinese medicine ethics, creating a new system of medical ethics with Chinese characteristics and cultivating cultural confidence.
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