Examples of WANG Zhen’s Herb Pairs Based on the “Resolving Method” in Treating Pulmonary Nodules
中文关键词: 消法;肺结节;药对;有形实邪;中医;医案;王真  临床经验
英文关键词: resolving method  pulmonary nodules  herb pairs  sthenia pathogenic factors  traditional Chinese medicine  medical records  WANG Zhen  clinical experience
江蓉蓉 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
江赞亚 宁波市奉化区中医医院 
王真 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 12
全文下载次数: 7
      [目的] 总结王真教授基于“消法”治疗肺结节的临床经验及常用药对。[方法] 通过侍诊抄方, 分析并归纳王真教授治疗肺结节的常用药对、配伍特点、用药特色及常用剂量,并附验案一则加以佐证。[结果] 王真教授认为,肺结节是气滞、痰湿、瘀血、毒邪等病理产物蓄积而成的有形实邪,基于“消法”,具体采用破气行气、活血化瘀、祛痰除湿、软坚散结、解郁解毒之法,常用“三棱-莪术”“佛手-枳壳”“桃仁-红花”“当归-泽兰”“草果仁-苍术”“夏枯草-浙贝母”“海藻-昆布-青礞石”“半边莲-半枝莲-白花蛇舌草”等药对。所举验案中患者证属痰瘀阻络,治以活血化瘀、祛痰通络,基于“消法”施用上述药对,随症加减,疗效显著。[结论] 王真教授运用“消法”治疗肺结节,选药深谋远虑,药对精简,疗效颇验,值得深入学习。
      [Objective] To summarize the clinical experience and the common herb pairs of Professor WANG Zhen in treating pulmonary nodules based on “resolving method”. [Methods] To collect and analyse the common herb pairs, compatibility characteristics, drug characteristics and common dosage of WANG’s experience in treating pulmonary nodules by copying the prescriptions;and a case was attached as evidence. [Results] Professor WANG believes that pulmonary nodules are the sthenia pathogenic factors caused by the accumulation of pathological products such as Qi stagnation, phlegm dampness, blood stasis and toxic pathogenic factors. Based on the “resolving method”, he specifically adopts the methods of breaking Qi and promoting Qi, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, expelling phlegm and removing dampness, softening and dispersing, and resolving stagnation and toxic factors. “Sparganii Rhizoma-Curcumae Rhizoma”“Citri Sarcodactylis Fructus-Aurantii Fructus”“Persicae Semen-Carthami Flos”“Angelicae Sinensis Radix-Lycopi Herba”“Tsaoko Fructus-Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma”“Prunellae Spica-Fritillariae Thunbergii Bulbus”“Sargassum-Laminariae Thallus-Chloriti Lapis”“Scutellariae barbatae Herba-Lobeliae chinensis Herba-Hedyotis diffusa Willd” are commonly used, the treatment is modified according to the symptoms, and the curative effect is remarkable.The patient in the case was characterized by phlegm-stasis blocking. The treatment was performed by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, dispelling phlegm and dredging channel. Based on the“resolving method”, the above-mentioned herb pairs were applied and modified according to the symptoms, and the curative effect was remarkable. [Conclusion] Professor WANG uses “resolving method” to treat pulmonary nodules,the selection of drugs is far-sighted and the herb pairs are concise and effective, which is worth further study.
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