On Flexible Application of Aconite for Various Pains with Compatibility
中文关键词: 乌头  痛证  配伍  去性存用  减毒增效
英文关键词: aconitum  pain syndrome  compatibility  desexual retention  toxicity reducing and efficacy enhancing
楼宇 浙江中医药大学中医临床基础风湿病研究所杭州 310053  
闻向晖 浙江中医药大学中医临床基础风湿病研究所杭州 310053  
孔祥聿 浙江中医药大学中医临床基础风湿病研究所杭州 310053  
温成平 浙江中医药大学中医临床基础风湿病研究所杭州 310053 wengcp@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 2090
全文下载次数: 890
      [Objective] To analyze the dialectical relationship between aconitum's analgesic effect and its severe medicine property, and to summarize the application of aconitum's different compatibility in the treatment of pain syndrome, so as to expand the thought for clinical flexible application of aconitum. Through consulting the medical records of the past dynasties, collecting some medical scholars' academic viewpoint and related drug-using experience, discussing the compatibility and application of aconitum from different etiology and pathogenesis of pain syndrome, and summarizing the general law by combining modern pharmacology research.[Results] In the pain syndromes of wind, cold, damp and blood stasis, which are mainly caused by the accumulation of excess pathogenic factors and the blocking of meridians and collaterals, the medicine property of aconitum heat dispersing is often used to eliminate the cause of the disease, and the pathological products such as damp-turbidity, blood stasis and phlegm-fluid are eliminated to achieve the purpose of pain relief. Although the heat pain is caused by excess pathogenic factors, its pathogenesis is not suitable for the nature of aconitum heat, so gypsum, anemarrhena and white peony should be used in the treatment to play the effect of "property-removed and action-reserved". The treatment of asthenia pain should be based on the principle of "treating disease both from manifestation and root cause", and "toxicity reducing and efficacy enhancing" has become the key to its application. In all kinds of miscellaneous pain, such as trauma, anesthesia, cancer pain and so on, attention should be paid to the modern research on the pharmacological active ingredients of aconitum and its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and combine with the doctors' prescriptions of all ages, focusing on the "symptomatic treatment" of aconitum. Aconitum is an important drug for relieving pain. It can be used boldly in all kinds of pain syndrome through accurate syndrome differentiation and reasonable compatibility.
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