Discussion on the Complementary of the “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” and “Fuxing Jue”
中文关键词: 三因司天方  五运六气  辅行诀  五脏补泻  互补
英文关键词: “Sanyin Sitian Formulary”  five elements motions and six climatic changes  “Fuxing Jue”  reinforcing and reducing of five visceral  complementary
薛钧 江苏省中医院 南京 210029 
摘要点击次数: 1999
全文下载次数: 1226
      [目的] 研究《三因司天方》与《辅行诀》协同应用于临床的可行性。[方法] 采用文献法对《三因司天方》与《辅行诀》进行研究,从诊断和治疗两方面作梳理分析和比较,依据中医经典理论体系,结合临床实践经验,合理推导得出结论。[结果]《三因司天方》以五运六气为理论核心,《辅行诀》以五脏补泻为理论核心。《三因司天方》的诊断以发病时间和临床表现为依据,重视症状。《辅行诀》的诊断以临床表现为依据;除症状外,更加注重发病以及就诊时间这个重要因素。《三因司天方》的组方思路基于五行生克之理,利用药物的五味,而不是单纯依据药物的功效来治疗。《辅行诀》方药更有特点,结构严谨,有明确的组方规则;从五行五脏论治的角度,细分药物。[结论] 《三因司天方》与《辅行诀》都以《内经》为理论基础,并加以发挥和创新,在疾病的诊断和治疗上是互通的,同时又各有侧重和优势,可以互为补充。对《三因司天方》与《辅行诀》的互补性进行深入研究和阐发,并在临床实践中应用与验证,具有现实意义。
      [Objective] To explore the feasibility of the collaborative application of “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” and “Fuxing Jue”. [Methods]According to the classical theory system of traditional Chinese medicine and the clinical experience, the literature method was used to study the two theories which were analyzed and compared in terms of diagnosis and treatment, and the conclusion was reasonably deduced.[Results] “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” took five elements motions and six climatic changes as the theoretical core, and “Fuxing Jue” took the theory of reinforcing and reducing of five visceral as the theoretical core. The diagnosis of diseases in “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” was mainly based on the onset time and clinical manifestations, and paid attention to symptoms; while the diagnosis of diseases in “Fuxing Jue” was mainly based on clinical manifestations, laid more emphasis on the important factor of disease onset or visiting time. Based on the theory of five elements create and conquer, the prescription of “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” used the five flavors of drugs, rather than the efficacy of drugs. The prescriptions of “Fuxing Jue” were more characteristics, and had rigorous structure and clear rules of composition; it subdivided the drugs from the perspective of five elements and five viscera. [Conclusion]Generally, both “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” and “Fuxing Jue” were developed based on “Huangdi Neijing”, and they were interlinked in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, with different emphases and advantages, so they could complement each other. It is of practical significance to study and elucidate the complementarity between “Sanyin Sitian Formulary” and “Fuxing Jue”, and to apply and verify them in clinical practice.
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