Analysis of HEJialin’s Medical Experience in Treating Poor Ovarian Response
中文关键词: 卵巢低反应  滋肾填精;何氏育麟方;何嘉琳;名医经验;医案
英文关键词: ovarian hyporesponsiveness  kidney nourishing and essence filling  HE’s experience formula of Yulin  HE Jialin  experience of famous doctors  medical records
陈赟 杭州市中医院 杭州 310007 
周倩茹 杭州市中医院 杭州 310007 
摘要点击次数: 1925
全文下载次数: 935
      [目的]探讨何氏妇科第四代传人何嘉琳教授运用何氏妇科传统经验方治疗现代辅助生育领域疾病“卵巢低反应”的特色经验。[方法] 通过门诊跟师学习,整理何嘉琳教授诊治卵巢低反应的相关医案,从病因病机、处方用药等方面探析总结何嘉琳教授治疗卵巢低反应的临证经验,并附验案一则。[结果]何嘉琳教授认为卵巢低反应的中医病机以肾精亏虚为主,胚胎移植过程中超促排卵进一步加剧肾精消耗,故而出现获卵数少,雌二醇低,卵泡质量差等一系列临床症状。其治疗应以滋肾填精为根本,同时需注重清心养心,做到心肾同治;还应结合胚胎移植过程的各个不同的阶段,包括进周前、取卵前、扳机期、取卵后、移植前、移植后期,发挥中医药特色,分期论治,从而增加胚胎移植的成功率。文中所附一则医案属于典型的肾虚型卵巢低反应病例,何教授治疗时以“何氏育麟方”为基础方,滋肾填精,补肾助孕,配合血肉有情之品,调治成特色膏方,图治半年余,终使其取卵移植成功,多年不孕得愈。[结论]何嘉琳教授抓住病机,运用何氏妇科传统经验辨证分期论治现代辅助生殖疾病范畴疾病“卵巢低反应”,疗效卓著,值得借鉴。
      [Objective]To explore Professor HE Jialin’s experience in treating poor ovarian response with HE’s gynecological specialty medication.[Method] Through the follow-up study of the outpatient clinic, collect the relevant medical records of Professor HE Jialin,analyze and summarize Professor HE Jialin’s clinical experience in treating poor ovarian response disease from the aspects of etiology, pathogenesis and prescription drugs, and attach one typical medical record for example. [Results] Professor HE Jialin believes the TCM treatment of poor ovarian response should first aim at nourishing kidney and filling essence,then focus on the simultaneous treatment of heart and kidney, meanwhile combine with different stages of embryo transfer cycle, lastly give full play to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine. The attached medical record was a typical poor ovarian response with the kidney deficiency type. The patient was treated mainly by “HE’s experience formula of Yulin”, and combined with cream formula which could nourish kidney and fill essence, eventually the patient’s infertility of years was recovered. [Conclusion] Professor HE Jialin grasps the pathogenesis and uses the traditional experience of HE’s gynecology to treat the disease of modern assisted reproduction field by differentiation of symptoms and stages, which has a remarkable effect and is worth learning from.
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