LIU Guiying’s Clinical Experience in Treating Post-cold Cough
中文关键词: PCC  风咳  疏风解痉  刘桂颖  医案  名医经验
英文关键词: post-cold cough  wind cough  dispersing wind and alleviating spasm  LIU Guiying  medical case  experience of famous doctor
魏长龙 浙江中医药大学附属第二医院 杭州 310005 
刘桂颖 天津中医药大学第一附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 2289
全文下载次数: 764
      [目的]总结刘桂颖主任运用疏风解痉止咳法为主治疗感冒后咳嗽(post-cold cough,PCC)的临床经验。[方法]通过跟师临诊,分析刘师对PCC病因病机的认识,阐述疏风解痉止咳法、扶正固本法等在临床实践中的运用依据,对刘师特色用药经验进行总结,并附临床案例加以验证。[结果]刘师认为PCC的病因病机主要为感冒后正气虚弱,无力御邪外出,导致风邪留恋,风邪夹带寒、热、湿等邪气侵犯机体,肺失宣降,肺气上逆,遗留咳嗽。针对其病因病机,采用疏风解痉止咳为主,结合扶正固本、清热化痰等治疗原则,用药轻灵,性宜平和,选用旋覆花、苦杏仁、麻黄等,临床疗效卓著。所列病案为刘师治疗PCC的典型案例,患者证属风邪留恋、脾虚湿盛,治以疏风解痉、健脾化湿,方用“疏风解痉止咳方”加味,获得良效。[结论]刘桂颖主任运用疏风解痉止咳法为主治疗PCC的临床经验,立法清晰,用药讲究,特色鲜明,值得学习效法。
      [Objective]To summarize Director LIU Guiying’s clinical experience of dispersing wind to alleviate spasm and relieve cough as the main treatment for post-cold cough(PCC).[Methods]Through following the teacher in clinical work, this paper analyzed Director LIU’s understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of PCC, described the application basis of the methods of dispersing wind, alleviating spasm and relieving cough, strengthening healthy Qi and consolidating the constitution in clinical practice, and summarized Director LIU’s experience in characteristic medication, then a clinical case was given to verify.[Results] In Director LIU’s opinion, PCC is basically caused by weakness of healthy Qi, and body is unable to resist pathogenic factors, which leads to the nostalgia of wind pathogen. Wind pathogen brings cold, heat, dampness and other pathogen Qi to invade the body, and the lung fails both in dispersing and descending, and the lung Qi flow is reversed, leaving cough. According to its etiology and pathogenesis, the method of dispersing wind, alleviating spasm and relieving cough is mainly adopted, combined with strengthening healthy Qi and consolidating the constitution, and clearing away heat and resolving phlegm method in treatment. Director LIU regards that the medication should be light and flexible, and the nature of drugs should be mild. Flos Inulae, Semen Armeniacae Amarum, Herba Ephedrae were chosen as specific drugs, and outstanding clinical efficacy was achieved. The listed medical case was a typical case of PCC, and the patient’s TCM syndrome type was nostalgia for wind pathogen and damp abundance due to deficiency of the spleen. The treatment was dispersing wind, alleviating spasm, strengthening the spleen and resolving dampness, Shufeng Jiejing Zhike formula was adopted, and eventually achieved good clinical effect.[Conclusion]Director LIU Guiying’s clinical experience of using dispersing wind, alleviating spasm and relieving cough method as the main treatment for PCC has clear legislation, meticulous medication and distinctive features, which is worth learning and imitating.
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