Master of Chinese Medicine LU Fang's Experience in the Treatment of Urticaria with Yimian Decoction
中文关键词: 荨麻疹  抑免汤  湿热  瘀血  医案  名医经验  国医大师  卢芳
英文关键词: urticaria  Yimian Decoction  damp heat  blood stasis  medical records  experience of famous doctor  Master of Chinese Medicine  LU Fang
郑毅 黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨 150040 
钟霞媛 黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨 150040 
摘要点击次数: 1722
全文下载次数: 707
      [目的] 总结国医大师卢芳运用抑免汤治疗荨麻疹的经验。[方法] 分析卢老对荨麻疹的病因病机认识,剖析经验方抑免汤组成、方义及功用,并附临床医案加以验证。[结果] 卢老认为荨麻疹病位在肌表,病因为外感风寒湿邪,或饮食不节,郁久化热,日久则病邪入血分,发为荨麻疹;治疗上既要运用清热利湿之法,又需解表透疹、活血化瘀,故选用抑免汤加减治疗。此方可以治疗湿热与痰瘀等复杂致病因素所致的荨麻疹,无论是荨麻疹初起还是日久化瘀,均可采用抑免汤加减治疗。所举的三则验案分别辨为湿热瘀阻证、风热犯表证、营卫不和证,采用抑免汤加减治疗,疗效显著。[结论] 卢老采用抑免汤治疗湿热与瘀血等复杂致病因素所致的荨麻疹,无论各证型均可灵活运用,其经验值得临床学习推广。
      [Objective] To summarize the clinical experience of Professor LU Fang, a master of Chinese medicine, in the treatment of urticaria with Yimian Decoction. [Methods] To analyze Professor LU Fang's understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of urticaria, to analyze the composition, meaning and function of Yimian Decoction, and to verify it with clinical cases. [Results] Professor LU Fang believes that urticaria is located on the skin surface, and the disease is caused by exogenous pathogenic wind, cold and dampness, or improper diet, depression turns into heat, over time, pathogenic evil will enter the blood and lead to urticaria. In the treatment, not only the method of clearing heat and dampness should be used, but also the methods of solving the rash through the surface, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, so Yimian Decoction is chosen for treatment, which can treat urticaria caused by dampness and heat, phlegm and blood stasis and other complex pathogenic factors, whether urticaria rises at the beginning or dissipates blood stasis over time. The three cases mentioned were damp-heat stasis syndrome, wind-heat invasion of the surface syndrome, and disharmony of Yingwei syndrome, modified Yimian Decoction was adopted, and the curative effect was significant. [Conclusion] Professor LU Fang uses Yimian Decoction to treat urticaria caused by dampness, heat and blood stasis and other complex pathogenic factors, which can be used flexibly regardless of the syndrome type. His experience is worthy of clinical learning and promotion.
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