Data Mining Technology Research Syndrome Elements and Clinical Characteristics of Taiyin Disease with Wind Affection
中文关键词: 太阴中风  主成分分析  因子分析  复杂网络  可视化  数据挖掘  证候要素  四诊信息
英文关键词: Taiyin disease with wind affection  principal component analysis  factor analysis  complex network technique  visualization  data mining technology  syndrome elements  four diagnostic information
丁艳 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
林妙 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
刘佳佳 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
曹灵勇 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
林树元 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
许家栋 杭州西湖中医经方研究院 
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      [目的] 探究太阴中风证候要素和临床特征。[方法] 纳入530例太阴中风证病案,用主成分分析和因子分析,得出太阴中风证候要素;用复杂网络法,筛选太阴中风临床特征。[结果] 用主成分分析法提取具备相对独立性,特征值均在1以上且累积贡献率大于75%的16个主成分,经过因子旋转法提取16个因子组合,得出太阴中风证候要素如下:血证(2.917%),水证(2.102%、1.965%、1.790%、1.635%、1.458%、1.373%、1.280%、1.174%、1.156%),火证夹气(1.484%),水火夹杂证(1.446%、1.353%、1.129%),血水同病(1.081%),血火水夹杂证(1.070%)。复杂网络筛选出太阴中风临床特征为:汗出、脉细、腹胀、腻苔、浮脉、下睑淡白、麻木、恶寒、弦脉、下肢浮肿、肢厥等。[结论] 运用主成分分析和因子分析法可更为客观准确地分析太阴中风证候要素先后主次规律;复杂网络更为直观地筛选出太阴中风的临床特征。
      [Objective] To explore the pathogenic factors and the clinical characteristics of Taiyin disease with wind affection. [Methods] A total of 530 clinical cases of Taiyin disease with wind affection were included, and it was used to explore the pathogenic factors of Taiyin disease with wind affection by principal component analysis and factor analysis. Complex network was used to explore the clinical characteristics of Taiyin disease with wind affection. [Results] Sixteen principal components with relative independence, characteristic value above 1 and cumulative contribution rate greater than 75% were extracted by principal component analysis. Sixteen factor combinations were extracted by factor rotation method. The pathogenesis factors of Taiyin disease with wind affection are as follows: Blood syndrome(2.917%), water syndrome(2.102%, 1.965%, 1.790%, 1.635%, 1.458%, 1.373%, 1.280%, 1.174%, 1.156%), fire and Qi mixed syndrome(1.484%), water and fire mixed syndrome(1.446%, 1.353%, 1.129%), blood and water disease(1.081%), blood fire and water mixed syndrome(1.070%). The clinical characteristics of Taiyin disease with wind affection were: Sweating, thin pulse, abdominal distension, greasy fur, floating pulse, pale lower eyelid, numbness, aversion to cold, string pulse, lower limb edema, limb syncope, etc. [Conclusion] The principal component analysis and factor analysis can be more objective and accurate to analyze the primary and secondary law of syndrome elements of Taiyin disease with wind affection; complex network is more intuitive to screen out the clinical characteristics of Taiyin disease with wind affection.
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