Explore the Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastric Cancer Accompanied by Depression Based on “Depression Caused by Illness” and “Illness Caused by Depression”
中文关键词: 胃癌伴抑郁状态  因病致郁  因郁致病  气机升降  瘀毒胶结  形神一体
英文关键词: gastric cancer accompanied by depression  depression caused by illness  illness caused by depression  Qi movement between ascending and descending  cementation of stasis and toxin  integration of form and spirit
秦逸杨 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
张海航 南阳医学高等专科学校 
徐晓楠 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
陈滨海 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
张光霁 浙江中医药大学基础医学院 杭州 310053 
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      [目的] 从中医“因病致郁”和“因郁致病”角度论述胃癌伴抑郁状态的产生和加重,以期为其中医治疗提供理论支撑。[方法] 通过查阅中医古籍和现代文献资料,搜集部分医家关于胃癌“因病致郁”和“因郁致病”理论的学术观点,并结合临床实践经验总结,探讨胃癌伴抑郁状态的诊疗。[结果] 胃癌伴抑郁状态的病因病机可归纳为以下方面:中气失运,升降乖戾为其根;瘀毒胶结,七情失常为其本;瘤结局部,毒溢血脉,病郁交夹为其标,据此胃癌伴抑郁状态的治疗应斡旋中气,畅脾胃之气化;调气开郁,调人体之升降出入;化瘀解毒,通人体之气血津液;形神同调,复人体五脏之元真。[结论] 瘀、毒、郁均是影响胃癌伴抑郁状态发生、发展与转归的重要病理因素,这三个因素常常互相影响,互为因果。从“因郁致病”和“因病致郁”的角度对胃癌伴抑郁状态进行探讨,不仅有助于完善胃癌伴抑郁状态的病因病机理论,也有助于为其临床治疗提供理论参考。
      [Objective] To discuss the occurrence and gastric cancer accompanied by depression from the perspective of “depression caused by illness” and “illness caused by depression”, and provide theoretical support for the treatment by traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). [Methods] By consulting the ancient and modern literature of TCM, and collecting the academic views of some doctors on the theory of “depression caused by illness” and “illness caused by depression” of gastric cancer, combined with clinical practice experience, it discusses the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer accompanied by depression. [Results] The etiology and pathogenesis of gastric cancer accompanied by depression can be summarized as follows: loss of middle Qi, the rise and fall of surly for its root; cementation of stasis and toxin, seven emotions disorder is its root; tumor gathering locally, poison overflowing into the blood vessels, illness and depression intermingled as its symptom, and it accordingly points out that the treatment of gastric cancer accompanied by depression should mediate middle Qi and smooth the Qi transformation of spleen and stomach; regulate Qi and open depression, regulate the rise and fall of Qi of the body; remove blood stasis and detoxify, dredge the body’s Qi, blood and body fluid; form and spirit in tune, restore the complex of the five viscera of the human body. [Conclusion] Stasis, toxin and depression are important pathological factors affecting the occurrence, development and outcome of gastric cancer accompanied by depression.These three factors often affect each other as causation. Discussion of gastric cancer accompanied by depression from the perspective of “depression caused by illness” and “illness caused by depression” is not only helpful to improve the etiological and pathogenesis theory of gastric cancer accompanied by depression, but also helpful to provide theoretical reference for its clinical treatment.
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