陈影,马丽俐.马丽俐教授从脾论治瘾疹思路与用药经验[J].浙江中医药大学学报,2024,48(1):63-66, 76.
Professor MA Lili ’s Thought and Experience of Treating Chronic Urticaria Through Spleen Theory
中文关键词: 瘾疹  慢性荨麻疹  从脾论治  本虚标实  中医临床  名医经验  马丽俐
英文关键词: urticaria  chronic urticaria  treatment through spleen theory  deficient root and excessive superficial  TCM clinical practice  experience of famous doctor  MA Lili
陈影 浙江中医药大学第一临床医学院 杭州 310053 
马丽俐 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 257
全文下载次数: 144
      [目的] 总结马丽俐教授从脾论治瘾疹的经验,为临床提供参考。[方法] 通过临证收集和记录门诊病历,整理马教授从脾辨证论治瘾疹的经验,总结本病的病因病机及遣方用药规律,并举医案一则加以佐证。[结果] 马教授认为,瘾疹的核心病机为脾虚失运,感邪致病,总属正虚邪中,本虚标实,临证常见脾虚营卫失和、脾虚湿困、脾虚肝郁。治疗上马教授灵活运用补运二法以健脾体,以调和营卫、运脾化湿、补土疏木分治,同时注重因人制宜,个体化论治。所举验案中患者年逾花甲,皮疹反复,诊断其为脾虚湿蕴之瘾疹,治宜运脾祛湿、祛邪止痒,后期兼扶正补虚,随症加减,用药灵活,疗效显著。[结论] 马教授秉承以脾为本的辨治思想施治瘾疹,疗效明显,其经验值得借鉴和推广。
      [Objective] To summarize Professor MA Lili’s academic thoughts on treating chronic urticaria based on the spleen theory, providing references for clinical practice. [Methods] Through collecting and recording outpatient medical records, sorting out Professor MA’s experience of treating chronic urticaria based on the spleen theory, summarizing the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease and the rule of prescription, and taking a medical case to prove it. [Results] Professor MA believes that the core pathogenesis of chronic urticaria is spleen deficiency and pathogenic invasion of human body. The chronic urticaria belongs to deficiency in origin and excess in superficislity, and the main inducement is spleen deficiency leading to disharmony between Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi, stagnation of dampness, stagnation of liver Qi. In treatment, Professor MA uses the methods of tonifying and transporting to invigorate the spleen, such as harmonizing Ying-Qi and Wei-Qi, clearing dampness by transporting the spleen, and regulating the liver Qi by tonifying the spleen. At the same time, she will use different treatments for different patients, individualized treatment is her unique experience. In this case, the patient was diagnosed as spleen deficiency and stagnation of dampness based on the patient’s old age and recurrent rash. The treatment method was to remove dampness by transporting the spleen, eliminating the pathogenic factors and relieving itching, and paid attention to the deficiency in the later stage. This medication was flexible according to the change of the condition, with significant curative effect. [Conclusion] Professor MA treats chronic urticaria with a diagnosis and treatment philosophy centered around the spleen, therefore the experience derived is worthy of reference and promotion.
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